The Editor of this Directory intended it at first only as an Alphabetical
List of the Subscribers of the Tontine Coffee-room, but was prevailed upon
to make it of more general use, by collecting the names of as many of the
Merchants, Manufacturers, &c. &c. as the time would possibly allow, with a
List of such of the Firms in Glasgow as conveniently could be got.
The information provided below is typed just as it appears to be in the
book. I have had email from visitors who were wondering if I realized the
small f's should be small s's. Please be aware that some of the small s's
looked like small f's. I for one was not yet aware that in the 18th and
early 19th centuries the small s's looked alot like the small f's. It has
been pointed out to me that the crossbar does not go completely through the
letter. The print in this old book was very tiny to start with so I didn't
even notice that about the crossbar. Another person let me know that in some
of her old documents where there are double small s's that it is just the
first small s that looks like the small f. Keep that in mind when looking at
old documents. I'm going to leave this Directory just as it is. It isn't
that hard to follow once one knows what I just said here.

Reprint of Jone's Directory; or, Useful Pocket Companion For the Year 1787.
With An Introduction, and Notes of Old Glasgow Celebrities, by The "Rambling
Glasgow: William Love, 226 Argyle Street, Printed by R. Anderson, 22 Ann
Street. 1887.


Magiftrates and other Office-bearers.

John Riddel, Efq; Lord Provost.
John Campbell, jun. Efq; Merchant Bailie.
James M'Dowal, Efq; Merchant Bailie.
James M'Euan, Efq; Trades Bailie.
William Coats, Efq; Dean of Guild.
Ninian Glen, Efq; Deacon Conveener.
James Gordon, Efq; Gorbal Bailie.
James Broadie, Efq; Treafurer.
John Hutton, Water Bailie.
John Brown, Mafter of Work.
David Hutchefon, Procurator Fifcal.
Walter Logan, Chamberlain.

Merchant Counfellors.

Jo. Campbell of Clathick
Meff. Gilbert Hamilton
Jofeph Scott
Alexander Low
John Laurie
John Brown
Meff. John Dunlop
James Gordon
Alexander Brown
Richard Marfhall
Robert Scott Moncrieff

Trades Counfellors.

Meff. John M'Auflan
Robert Arthur
Robert Auchinclofs
Robert Smith, fen.
Robert Mann
Robert Smith, jun.
Meff. John Morifon
George Buchanan, fen.
William Steel
William Martin
David Hendrie

City Clerks.

John Wilson, Efq; fen.
John Orr, Efq; of Barrowfield
The Members for the Management of the Merchants Houfe.

William Coats, Efq; Dean of Guild, Prefident.
John Riddel, Efq; Ld. Pr.
Jo. Campbell, jun., Merch. Bailie.
James M'Dowal, Merch. Bailie.
Alexander Brown
John Campbell of Clathick
John Brown
John Dunlop
Alexander Low
John Laurie
Patrick Colquhoun
Jofeph Scott
Robert Findlay
William French
George Ofwald
James Dennifton, fen.
James Dennifton, jun.
James Ritchie
Robert Bogle
Andrew Buchanan
Alexander M'Caull
James M'Caull
John Robertfon
James Gordon
James Hopkirk
Gilbert Hamilton
Walter Stirling
William Lang
Robert M'Kay
John Alfton, jun.
Walter Nielfon
Archibald Graham
Henry Riddel
Archibald Govan, London
Robert Houftoun
Alexander Ofwald
John Gordon
George M'Intofh
James Brown, jun.
James Hill, Collector
George Crauford, Clerk
John Carmichael, Officer
Members of the Trades Houfe.

Ninian Glen, Deacon Conveener
James M'Ewan, Trades Bailie
Rob. Mann, late Conveener
David Scott, late Collector


D. James Lang
Alexander Buchanan
Steven Maxwell
James Muirhead
William Lang
William Fulton


D. John Arthur
John Boyd
Thomas Kinniburgh
Robert Maccalum
Alexander Buchanan
James Aitken


D. James Burns
John Paul
James Cooper
James Salmon
Thomas Park


V. William Pinkerton
Geo. Buchanan
James Buchanan
John Tennent
John Struthers
Thomas Paterfon


D. Chriftopher Beck
William Shaw
Richard Millar
John Kirkland


D. Daniel M'Alpine
Robert Galloway
John Grahame


D. Bazil Ronald
William Taffie
William Davidfon


D. Morice Murray
Thomas Crauford
John Morrifon


D. Andrew Hoods
Robert Robertfon
William Auchinclofs


D. William Kilpatrick
John Hanna
John King


D. William Young
Matthew Cleland
William Telfer

D. James Miller
James Wilfon
John M'Auflan


D. Charles Crauford
William M'Kechnie
William Pollock

Bonnet-Makers and Dyers.

D. Peter Nifbet
Adam Grant
Wm. Steel, baker, Collector
Robert Lothian, Chaplain
John Wilfon, fen. Clerk
Robert Winning, Officer
The Dean of Guild and Brethren of Court.

William Coats, Efq; Dean of Guild
Alexander Brown, depute Dean of Guild
William Lang, Merchant
Wal. Stirling, Merchant
John Lawrie, Merchant
Robert Mann, Tradefman
David Scott, Tradefman
W. Auchinclofs, Tradefman
Alex. Buchanan, Tradefman
John Wilfon, fen., Clerk
John Orr, Clerk
John Carmichael, Officer
The Committee for the Management of the Chamber of Commerce.

Archibald Henderfon, Efq. Chairman.
David Dale, Efq. Depute Chairman.
Gilbert Hamilton, Efq. Secretary.
Patrick Colquhoun Efq.
James M'Grigor, Efq.
John Campbell, Efq.
John Robertfon, Efq.
John Laurie, Efq.
James Somerville, Efq.
Henry Riddel, Efq.
Archibald Graham, Efq.
John Stirling, Efq.
Waltar Stirling, Efq.
Dougal Bannatyne, Efq.
James M'Dowal, Efq.
Wm. Carlifle, Efq. Paifley
James Lounds, Efq. do.
J. Gemmel, Efq. Greenock
Alexander Brown, Efq.
John Campbell, jun. Efq.
Robert Findlay, Efq.
Robert Morris, Efq.
Cl. Nielfon, Efq. Paifley
J. Kippen, Efq. Greenock
Peter Murdoch, Efq.
William Shortridge, Efq.
George Macintofh, Efq.
Andrew Stirling, Efq.
Thomas Bell, Efq.
Robert Hunter, Efq. Paifley
John Carmichael, Officer
The Clyde Marine Society, (Eftablifhed by Act of Parliament.)

Wm. Coats, Efq. Dean of Guild
John Cambell, Efq. of Clathick
Ja. Ritchie, Efq; of Bufhbie
James Dunlop, Efq. of Garnkirk
James Somerville, Efq. of Hamilton Farm
Arch. Henderfon, Efq.
James M'Dowall, Efq.
Rob. Dunmore, Efq.--and
Rob. Findlay, Esq.
All merchants in Glafgow.

John Paterfon
John M'Cunn
James Gammel
William Fullerton
Hugh Moodie
Andrew Anderfon--and
Roger Stewart
merchants in Greenock.

John Crauford, jun.
John Dunlop
Patrick Dougall
James Howie--and
Stephen Rowand
merchants in Pt. Glafgow.
The Committee for the Management of the Forth and Clyde Navigation.

John Riddel, Efq. Ld. Pr.
John Campbell, Efq. of Clathick
John Bowman, Efq.
James Gordon, Efq.
George Buchanan, Efq.
James Hopkirk, Efq.
Archibald Spiers, Efq.
Peter Spiers, Efq.
Patrick Colquhoun, Efq. Conveener, Superintendant, and Agent
Robert Whitworth, Efq. Engineer
James Loudon, Collector, at the weft end Canal
John Cumine, Collector, at the eaft end Canal
The Undertakers, &c. for Building the large Aqueduct Bridge of the Great
Canal acrofs Kelvin.

William Gibb, Undertaker
John Moir, Undertaker
William M'Aulay, Clerk to the workmen
Thomas Aitken, Foreman to the work
Alexander Donaldfon, Mafter of the track-boat Lady Catharine
James Smith, do. of the Lady Augufta
John Rifk, do. of the Rofe
The Committee for the Management of the Monkland Canal.

The Conveener and Members of the Trades Houfe
Andrew Stirling, Efq. of Drumpeller
John Stirling, Efq.
James Stirling, Efq.
The Members of the Weft India Club.

Robert Houfton, Efq. Prefident.
John Riddel, Efq.
James Somerville, Efq.
Robert Dunmore, Efq.
Patrick Colquhoun, Efq.
James Hopkirk, Efq.
Alex. Houftoun, Eqf.
Alex. Cunningham, Efq.
Robert Findlay, Efq.
John Cambell, fen. Efq.
James M'Dowal, Efq.
Robert M'Kay, Efq.
Laurence Craigie, Efq.
John Robertfon, Efq.
John Gordon, Efq.
George Anderfon, Efq.
Richard Dennifton, Efq.
Robert Bogle, Efq.
Tho. Whytelaw, Efq. Sec.
Members of the Golf Club.

Capt. James Clark, Prefident.
John Hamilton
William Crofs
William Bogle
Matthew Orr
James Black
Capt. David Shanks
Cun. Corbet
James Spreull
Capt. Thomas Peters
William Clark
Thomas Hopkirk
James Murdoch, jun.
William Bogle, jun.
Peter Craigie
Charles Grierfon
James Stirling
George Hamilton
John Struthers
Major Campbell
James Muir
Laurence Craigie, Secretary
The Committee for the Management of the Tontine.

Patrick Colquhoun, Efq.
Peter Murdoch, Efq.
John Anderfon, Profeffor of the College
Robert Dunmore, Efq.
Alexander Brown, Efq.
John Robertfon, Efq.
Robert Mackay, Efq.
Gilbert Hamilton, Efq.
John Maxwell, jun. Clerk and Treafurer
Office-bearers in the different Banks in Glafgow.

GLASGOW ARMS BANK, eaft fide Miller-ftreet.

John Robertfon, Cafhier
William Walker, Accomptant
George Murdoch, depute Accomptant
Broadie Wylie, Treafurer
Andrew Riddel, Teller
John Bachob, Porter

SHIP BANK, north fide Argyle-ftreet.

Robert Carrick, Cafhier
John Marfhall, Accomptant
Henry Wardrope, depute do.
Arch. Calder, Treasurer
Alexander Donaldfon, Teller
Samuel King, Porter

THISTLE BANK, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet.
Archibald Graham, Cafhier
William Struthers, Accomptant
Andrew Boyd, depute do.
John Alexander, Treafurer
Robert Refton, Teller
John Dempfter, Porter

MERCHANT BANK, head of Maxwell-ftreet.

Andrew Dewart, Cafhier
Thomas Armftrong, Accomptant
James Robertfon, Treafurer
John Begg, Teller
James Scott, Porter

ROYAL BANK, eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs.

R. Scott Moncrieff, Efq., Cafhier
David Dale, Efq., Cafhier
Robert Stewart, Accomptant
William Mitchell, Accomptant
William Scott, Accomptant
William Penny, Teller
William Campbell, Porter

Meff. THOMSONS BANK, weft fide Virginia-ftreet.

Andrew Thomfon, fenior
George Thomfon
Andrew Thomfon, junior


Archibald Hamilton, Efq. of Overtoun, Agent
Office 1ft flat above No. 13. Trongate.
The Chancellor, Rector, Profeffors, and other Office-bearers in the
Univerfity of Glafgow.

The Right Hon. the Marquis of Graham, Chancellor
Robert Graham, Efq. of Gartmore, Rector
Dr. Alex. Hutchefon (Minifter at Hamilton), Dean of Faculty
Dr. Wm Taylor (Minifter of the High Church), Vifitor
Dr. Archibald Davidfon, Principal
Dr. Robert Findlay, Profeffor of Divinity
John Anderfon--Natural Philofophy
John Miller-Law
Patrick Cumine-Oriental Languages
Dr. James Williamfon-Mathematics
Dr. Thomas Reid, Moral Philofophy
Archibald Arthur, Affiftant, Moral Philofophy
Dr. Alexander Stevenfon-Medicine
William Richardfon, Profeffor of Humanity
John Young-Greek
Dr. Hugh M'Leod-Church Hiftory
William Hamilton-Anatomy
Patrick Wilfon-Aftronomy
George Jardine-Logick
The above Profeffors' lodgings are all in the Old and New Courts, and front
of the College.

Servants of the College

Peter Forrefter, Janitor
John M'Lauchlan, Mafter of Works
Robert Crofs, Chamber-keeper
Alexander Govan, Scavenger
The Reverend Minifters of Glafgow.

John Gillies, D.D. College Church, eaft fide Dunlopftr.
William Porteous, D.D. Wynd Church, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
William Taylor, D.D. North or High Church, Mrs Lindfays' land bell of the
Robert Balfour, Eaft or Outer Church, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
John M'Caul, Laigh or Tron Church, weft fide Corbet's land foot Stockwell
William Taylor, St. Enoch's Church, Adam's court Argyle-ftreet
William Lockhart, St. Andrew's Church, north fide St. Andrew's-ftreet,
Alexander Rankine, Ramshorn Church, Charlotte-ftreet
James Steven, Chapel of Eafe, Gillies's land corner Gibfon's-ftreet fouth
fide Gallowgate
John M'Leod, do. Country
John Burns, Barony parifh Church, 2d flat New Caftle-pens land eaft fide
William Anderfon, Gorbals parifh Church
Robert Lothian, entry to St. Andrews Church by the Saltmarket, next to the
Iron-gate fouth fide, 2d flat
John Falconer, Englifh Chapel in Leitche's land fouth fide Trongate
William Andrews, do. Gilcherift land foot Saltmarket
Alex. Pierrie, Burgher Meeting-houfe Shuttle-ftreet
John Jamiefon, Antiburgher Meeting-houfe
James Ramfay, do. do. Havanna
Thomas Bell, Relief Meeting-houfe Dovehill
The Faculty of Phyficians and Surgeons in Glafgow.

Dr. Peter Wright, Prefident
James Montieth, Vifitor; John Jamiefon Collector
John Cree, John Riddel, William Cooper, Examiners
Dr. Robert Marfhall, Librarian
For the Lodgings of the above Gentlemen fee the alphabetical Lift.
Dr. Alexander Stevenfon, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet
Dr. Robert Cleghorn, Spreull's land north fide Trong.
Dr. Andrew Morris, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Robert Wallace furgeon, 2d flat upon the north-weft corner houfe
Hill and Montieth furgeons, Laboratory fhop, No. 54. Trongate
James Parlane furgeon, 2d flat Callendar's land weft fide Stockwell
Alex. Dunlop furgeon, 2d flat upon the northweft corner houfe,
Charles Wilfon furgeon, 2d flat weft fide near the head Stockwell
William Whyte furgeon, 2d flat Berry's land weft fide High-ftreet, No. 15.
Robert Simpfon furgeon, 1ft flat northweft corner houfe Prince's-ftreet
Arch. Young, furg. foaparie clofs eaft fide Candleriggs
William Hamilton furgeon, north fide New Court Coll.
James Alexander furgeon, abroad
John and William Scrutons furgeons, Laboratory weft fide King's-ftreet No.
William and Alex. Nimmos furgeons, 2d flat above No. 179. High-ftreet
Dougald M'Lauchlan furgeon, in company with William Whyte, fhop High ftreet
No. 16
James Hill, clerk
The Honourable the Sheriffs for the Shire of Lanerk, Fifcal, and Clerks.

William Honeyman, Efq. Sheriff-depute
Robert Graeme, fheriff-fubftitute,
John Wilfon, jun. Procurator-fifcal
James Cunnifon, Efq. of Jerviswood, Clerk
John Shiels, depute Clerk, at the office
Office 1ft flat Borland's land St. Andrew's entry by the Gallowgate
William M'Feat, Barr Officer
Commiffaries for Glafgow.

Ifly Campbell, Efq. Lord Advocate, Commiffary
John Maxwell, Efq. Commiffary-depute
Robert Graeme, Commiffary-fubftitute
George Smith, Procutor-fifcal for the Commiffary-court
Benjamin Barton, Efq. Clerk to the faid court
William M'Feat, Barr Officer
Comiffaries of Hamilton, and Campfie.

Robert Frame, Efq. Commiffary
Robert Graeme, Commiffary depute
Thomas Buchanan, Efq. of Boquhan, Procurator fifcal
Claud Marfhall, Clerk
William M'Feat, Barr Officer
Lift of the Juftices of the Peace for the Underward of Lanerkfhire.

Sir John Stewart, of Caftlemilk, Bart.
Robert Bogle, Efq. of Shettlefton
James Ritchie, Efq. of Bufhby
James Corbet, Efq. of Kenmuir
John Corbet, Efq. of Tolcrofs
John Wallace, Efq.
Thomas Dunmore, Efq.
John Hamilton, Efq. of Weftburn
John Orr, Efq. of Barrowfield
James Cunnifon, Efq. of Jervifwood
Andrew Houfton, Efq. of Jordonhill
James Corbet, junior, of Tolcrofs
Richard Dick, Younger of Gartfherrie
Collin Rae, Efq. of Little Govan
John Alfton, Efq.
Robert Dunmore, Efq. of Bellwill
Patrick Graehame, Efq. of Limekilns
Robert Dreghorn, Efq. of Ruchhill
James Dennifton, Efq. of Weftthorn
Robert Crawford, Efq. of Poffel
John Alfton, junior Efq. of Muirburn
Robert Dinwiddie, of Jermefton, Efq.
James Dunlop, of Garnkirk, Efq.
John Miller, Efq. Profeffor of Law in the Univerfity of Glafgow
William Muir, Efq. of Lenfhaw
John Mortland, Efq. Advocate
Andrew Buchanan, Efq. of Mountvernon
James Buchanan, Efq. Procurator-fifcal
Robert M'Aulay, clerk
Office 2d flat weftfide High-ftreet, 2d clofs from the crofs
William M'Feat, Barr Officer
The Faculty of Procurators in Glafgow.

John Orr, Efq. of Barrowfield, Dean of Faculty
John Findlay, Bailie Orr's land, north fide Gallowgate
John Wilfon, fen. eaft fide Miller-ftreet
James Ritchie, weft fide Queen-ftreet
James Clark, country
Thomas Graham, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet
Claud Marfhall, fouth fide Trongate, above No. 17
John Maxwell, fen. Moodie's wynd fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Archibald Govan, north fide Prince's-ftreet
John Robb, fouth fide, Salt-market
George Riddoch, north fide Salt-market above No. 69
George Smith, fouth fide Gallowgate, next clofe Gallowgate bridge on the
eaft fide
Robert Crofs
James Buchanan, at the Saracen's Head
Matthew Gilmour, eaft fide High-ftreet above No. 153
John Maxwell, jun. Horn's Court by St. Enoch's church
John Wilfon, jun. eaft fide Salt-market above No. 49
Robert M'Aulay, 2d clofe from the crofs weft fide High-ftreet
Robert Graeme, fen. eaft fide High-ftreet above No. 194
Robert Park, weft fide Salt-market above No. 82
John Hamilton, eaft fide Salt-market above No. 26
Archibald Graham, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet
Benj. Barton, north fide Trongate above No. 119
Thomas Buchanan, north fide Trongate Buchanan's back land 2d flat
John Scales, fouth fide Trongate head of the New Wynd
James Cunnifon, Sheriff's Office
David Scott, 2d flat fouth fide Gibfon's land
Alexander M'Culloch, 3d flat Ingram's land weft fide Gallowgate
John Dillan
Archibald Smith, weft fide Candleriggs
John Lang, oppofite Tron church above No. 111
David Hutchefon, 1ft flat corner land weft fide head Stockwell
John Shiels, Sheriff's office Gallowgate
James Mathie, 3d flat Donald's land above No. 102. Trongate
George Crawford, 2d flat M'Lintoch's land eaft fide King's-ftreet above No.
Geo. Muir, in Mrs. Blair's, M'Nair's land, King's-ftreet
John M'Ewan, fouth fide Prince's-ftreet oppofite Laigh kirk clofs
James M'Nair, 3 flat Jeffry's land, fouth fide Trongate above No. 51
John Leckie, 1ft clofe eaft fide Hutchefon's Hofpital Trongate
Alexander Robertfon, 3d flat Paterfon's land fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
William M'Aulay, 3d flat 1ft clofs eaft fide Hutchefon's Hofpital Trongate
Robert Graham jun. north fide Trongate above No. 69
John Purdon
William Lindfay, 2d flat corner land weft fide Prince's-ftreet
Thomas Falconer, eaft fide King's-ftreet above No. 1
James Robb, firft clofs north fide Gallowgate
William Wilfon, 2d flat 2d ftair M'Nair's land weft fide King's-ftreet
Thomas Marfhall, 4th flat old Coffee-houfe land weft fide Salt-market, at
the head
John Bennet, 2d flat 2d ftair M'Nair's land weft fide King's-ftreet
James Hill, 1ft flat fouth fide Trongate above No. 66
S. Crookfhanks, Mrs Fife's eaft fide Stockwell near the head
J. Mitchell, Craig's land fouth fide St. Andrew's-ftreet entry by the
William Stewart, 4th flat Wilfon's land north fide Bell's-wynd
Cuftom-Houfe, Broomielaw.

James Jamiefon Comptroller, Horn's court by St. Enoch's church
William Clark collector, 2d flat eaft fide the corner houfe leading to
Lindfay's wood yard, Broomielaw
Excife Office, Old Vennal.

Duncan Campbell, Efq. collector fouth fide Old Vennal
Duncan Campbell, clerk to do.

John Hoome, Gallowgate
Gilbert Oglivie, Broomielaw


John M'Farlane Charlotte-ftreet
Alexander Findlater, Gallowgate
Angus M'Donald, Jamaica-ftreet
John Javin
Henry Ofwald, Gallowgate
Archibald Rowand, Saltmarket
John Dempfter, Calton
James M'Kay, Saltmarket
John Bruce, Candleriggs
Thomas Hay, Trongate
Andrew Rowand, Broomielaw
Hugh M'Kenzie, Argyle-ftreet
Allan Fullarton, St. Enoch's-wynd
Colin Fairfoul, Trongate
William Crawford, High-ftreet
James Morrifon, Gallowgate
Rudiman Laurence, King's-ftreet
Walter Stevenfon, Old Vennal
Robert Semple, Jamaica-ftreet
Hugh Logan, fen. High-ftreet
Hugh Logan, jun. do.
Adam Whyte, Argyle-ftreet
James Heggie, Gallowgate
Hugh Hunter, Jamaica-ftreet
Thomas Steedman, Salt-market
John Grant, Gorbals
Hugh Marquis, Salt-market
Thomas Brown, King's-ftreet
James March, Trongate
James Johnfton, King's-ftreet
George Porteous, Gorbals
James M'Farlane, Phinefton
Robert Herris, Anderfton
James Campbell, Old Vennal
John Hoome, jun. Gallowgate
Thomas Hoome, do.
John Maitland, Trongate
David Stirling, Old-wynd
James Fairbairn, New-wynd
William Stewart, Rottenrow
Poft Office, Prince's-ftreet.
James Jackfon, Efq. poft mafter, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
John M'Lachlan head clerk, 1ft flat above No. 41. King's-ftreet
Richard Cockburn, under clerk, fhop fouth fide Prince's-ftreet
Daniel Cameron, letter carrier, Dick's land foot Back-wynd
Ebenezar Buchanan, firft clofs weft from the Exchange
Directors for the Management of St. Nicolas Hofpital.

John Campbell, Efq. preceptor
The Magiftrates of Glafgow; the Conveener of the Trades Houfe, treafurer and
mafter of works
Directors for the Management of Hutchifon's Hofpital, Blair's and Scots
Tarbet's Boys.

John Campbell, Efq. of Clathick, preceptor
The Council and the eftablifhed Minifters in Glafgow, patrons for
Hutchifon's and Blair's
Mifs Scott, the heirefs of Scot's Tarbet, patron
George Bogle, Efq. depute
James Douglafs teacher
The Directors and Managers of the Town's Hofpital.

William Craig, Preceptor, and Bailie M'Auflan Treafurer.
Town Council.
John Riddel, Efq. Lord Provoft
Jo. Campbell, jun., Bailie
James M'Dowal, Bailie
James M'Ewan, Bailie
John Campbell of Clathick, Efq.
John Brown, jun.
Alexander Low
John Laurie
Gilbert Hamilton
James Broadie
Robert Smith
Robert Scott Moncrieff
Merchants Houfe.
William Coats, Efq. prefent Dean of Guild
Alexander Brown
James Gordon
Walter Stirling
Archibald Graham
Alex. M'Caull
Robert M'Kay
James M'Gregor
Arch. Govan, gone to London
John Gordon
James Brown, fen.
Jofeph Scott
Trades Houfe.
Ninian Glen, Efq. prefent Deacon Conveener
James Lang
John M'Arthur
James Burns
William Pinkerton
Chriftopher Beck
Daniel M'Alpine
Bazil Ronald
Morrice Murray
Andrew Hood
William Kilpatrick
William Young
General Seffion.
Dr. John Gillies, Minifter
Mr John M'Caull, Minifter
Mr W. Lockhart, Minifter
Mr Ro. Balfour, Minifter
James Muirhead, Elder
William Urie, Elder
Alexander Duncan, Elder
Robert Auchinclofs, Elder
David Scott, Elder
James Harvey, Elder
Robert Cowan, Elder
Mrs Sinclair, miftrefs
John Adam, clerk and houfekeeper
James Somervell, teacher and chaplain
Governors of Mr Wilfon's Charity.

John Jamiefon, prefident
Gilbert Hamilton, fecretary
Magiftrates, Dean of Guild, and Conveener
Rev. Dr Gillies
Rev. Dr Porteous
Rev. Dr Taylor
Rev. Mr. Balfour
Rev. Mr Taylor, St. Enoch's
Rev. Mr M'Caull
Rev. Mr Lockhart
Rev. Mr Rankine
Meffrs. John Bogle
John Brown, jun.
Robert Carrick
William Coats
Robert Dinwiddie
John Bowman
John Campbell
Alexander Low
James Couter
James Dunlop
Patrick Colquhoun
John Riddell
James Gordon
Alexander Brown
William French
J. M'Alpine, teacher

Hugh Blackburn, Efq. Paper Stamp-mafter and Collector of the ale licence,
Shortridge land 1ft flat entring upon Dunlop-ftreet
Linen Stamp-Mafters Office, eaft fide High-ftreet near the Crofs.

Daniel Cullin, Caftlepen's land, eaft fide High-ftreet
James Young, St. Enoch's-Burn
Alex. Monro, Ofwald's clofs eaft fide Stockwell
Seffion-Clerk, Treafurer, and Collector.

William Walker, Seffion Clerk, Burnfide's land weft fide Saltmarket
Andrew Younger, Kirk Treafurer, fouth fide Gallowgate 1ft clofs weft from
the Bridge
Thomas Laurie, Collector of the poor's money, Burnfide's land weft fide
Teachers of Englifh, with their School-rooms.

John Burn's, in Duncan's land weft fide High-ftreet
William Dickfon, in Hutchefon's Hofpital Trongate
John Hall, in Prince's-ftreet 2d flat Ramfay's land
John Wilfon, in Buchanan,'s Court, back Virginia-ftreet
James Waddel, in Charlotte-ftreet fouth fide Gallowgate
John Wright, oppofite Grammar School-Wynd eaft fide High-ftreet
Will. Fifcher, M'Nair's land, Trongate
Teachers of Latin.

John Dow, David Allifon, and Daniel M'Arthur, in the public Grammar School
Gilbert Dickfon, in Buchanan's Court back of Virginia-ftreet
John Hall, in Ramfay's land Prince's-ftreet
James Douglafs, Bridgegate
Teachers of Writing, &c.

Meff. Monach and Son, in Cuthbertfon's land 1ft flat above No. 38. Trongate
Meff. Taylors, Buchanan's land above No. 34. Trongate
Alex. Jack, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
John Gibfon, Back-wynd fouth fide Trongate
William Gibb, in the Baker's Hall Prince's-ftreet
John Saunderfon, Reid's land weft fide Candleriggs
James Wills, head of the Old Vennal
Teacher of French.

Frederick Larifh, 2d flat weft fide King's-ftreet oppofite Prince's-ftreet
Teachers of Vocal Mufic.

John M'Lauchlan, Ramfhorn Seffion houfe
William Brown, Wynd Kirk Seffion houfe
Peter M'Donald, in Selkirk's clofs, north fide Gallowgate by No. 19.
John Banks, Laigh Kirk Seffion houfe
John Thomfon, in the Relief Seffion houfe
Teachers of Inftrumental Mufic.

William Goold, north fide Prince's-ftreet facing Watfon's Rum Cellar
John Fergus, Organift to the Englifh Chapel, Selkirk's clofs Gallowgate by
No. 19.
Mr. Parfon's, in Horn's land by Virginia-ftreet north fide Argyle-ftreet
Jofhua Campbell, ringer of the Town's Mufic Bells, in Tilloch's clofs,
Teachers of Dancing.

Alex. Dick, Eagle Tavern clofs, north fide Trongate
Mr. & Mrs. Bonette, Calender's land, w. fide Stockwell
James Campbell, in Wright's land Druggift, Trongate
John Alexander, 3d clofs from the crofs, weft fide Saltmarket
William Frazer, in M'Nair's Hall, King's-ftreet
Teachers in Fencing.

Alex. Campbell, in Duncan's clofs, weft fide High-ftreet
Peter Lagrange, in the College
Collectors, Clerks, and Officers, of the Fourteen Incorporations.

Will. Mirrilees, collector
Matthew Gilmour, clerk
James Robertfon, officer
James Baird, collector
Claud Marfhall, clerk
James Buchanan, officer
William Miller, collector
Robert M'Aulay, clerk
John Scott, officer
Ja. Montgomery, collector
Claud Marfhall, clerk
Alex. Ewing, officer
William Scott, collector
James Robb, clerk
Daniel Morifon, officer
Thomas Miller, collector
James Hill, clerk
Andrew Buchanan, officer
John Shearer, jun. coll.
John Maxwell, clerk
James Young, officer
William Dunn, collector
George Crawford, clerk
William Lochhead, officer
Hugh M'Farlane, collector
Alexander Govan, clerk
John Wilfon, officer
John Shugars, collector
John Maxwell, clerk
Robert Gilmour, officer
John Alfton, collector
Claud Marfhall, clerk
James Ingles, officer
John Nielfon, collector
Matthew Gilmour, clerk
Walter M'Lellan, officer
James Rennie, collector
George Riddoch, clerk
David Robb, officer
Bonnet-makers, and Dyers.
Andrew Tomlin, collector
Claud Marfhall, clerk
James Kelly, officer

Refers to the Procurators Lift, and the Alphabetical Lift, for Intelligence
to the above perfons Lodgings.
Water Engines.

No. A Engine ftands at the Mealmarket--Keys to be found at David Rofs's,
flater, firft clofs north fide of the well, High-ftreet, and at the Porter's
of the College
No. B Engine ftands at the Potatoe market, King's-ftreet--Keys to be found
at John Smith's, flater 2d clofs fouth of the Grammar School Wynd, 1ft flat,
fore land, and at the Guard-house
No. C and D Engines ftands upon the north end of the Wynd Church, betwixt
the New and back Wynds, fouth fide Trongate--Keys to be found at Robert
Smith's, flater, 4th clofs weft fide High-ftreet, John Eadie's, cork cutter,
Candleriggs, and James Stobo's, change-keeper and carter, Candleriggs
No. E Stands at Hutchefon's Hofpital--Keys to be found at James
Sommerville's, fhoemaker, 2d clofs eaft fide of the Trongate from the
Candleriggs, and in the Town's Chamber
No. F Stands in Lang's Callender clofs, Gallowgate bridge--Key to be found
Meffengers at Arms.

Daniel M'Aulay, 3d clofs below Gibfon's-wynd, Saltmarket
Archibald M'Adam,
Robert Wylie, 2d clofs weft from the Exchange
James M'Farlane, 2d ftair Dowhill's clofs, weft fide Saltmarket
George Purfer, 1ft clofs head of the Gallowgate, north fide
George Anderfon, Prefbyterian clofs, 1ft ftair eaft fide Saltmarket
Alexander Herriot, eaft fide King's-ftreet
Alexander Shaw, 2d clofs fore land north fide head of the Gallowgate
Wm. M'Feat, right hand St. Andrew's entry Saltmarket
Wm. M'Ewan, head 2d clofs weft from the Exchange
Charles Arrol, 2d ftair Prefbyterian clofs, eaft fide Saltmarket
John Cochran, eaft fide Candleriggs
John Alexander, Ingram's clofs, north fide Gallowgate
George Purdon, north fide Trongate
John Fergufon, back of Trades land, head of Gallowgate
John Wright, Meffenger in Greenock
Keepers of the Prifon.

John Lawfon, keeper of the Prifon, 2d flat fouth fide Saltmarket above No.
Gavin Wilfon, Turn-key to the prifon, w. fide Salt-m.
Beadles of Churches.

St. Mungo, John Buchanan kirk-ftreet Mathie's land
Outer-Church, James Beith, eaft fide Saltmarket
College, do. William Kirkwood, head Havanna
St. Andrew's, Alex. Donald St. Andrew's entry by the Saltmarket
Laigh Church, Robert Edwards, Laigh-Kirk clofs
Wynd, do. Aaron Nicol, weft fide Saltmarket facing the well
North-weft, do. John Murphy, New-wynd
St. Enoch's, do. James Scrogie, fouth fide Trongate late Bailie Scott's
Chapel of Eafe, William M'Kean Grammar-fchool-wynd
Barony parifh, William Freeland Calton
Dovehill, Charles Dobbie, Calton
Town's Chamber-keeper.

William Watfon, 3 flat fore land Pake's-hole clofs Gallowgate
Town's Officers and Serjeants.

Andrew Miller, Prefbyterian clofs Saltmarket
John Muir, back of Cockburn's Kirk, Bell of the Brae
William Hamilton, King's clofs eaft fide Saltmarket
James Ewing, 2d clofs from Bell's-wynd weft fide High ftreet
Hugh Herring, firft laigh houfe weft from the Exchange
John Galbreath, Prefbyterian clofs Saltmarket
James Wife, laigh fore houfe M'Nair's land Trongate
John Gardner, firft laigh door left hand Pavement clofs head Gallowgate
Niel Buchanan, Prefbyterian clofs Saltmarket
John Gemmel, Kippen's clofs eaft fide High-ftreet
Robert Hamilton, fouth fide Bun's-wynd
Robert Hoffie, King's clofs eaft fide Saltmarket
Daniel Buchanan, Crown clofs fouth fide Gallowgate
Conftantine M'Mahone, Balmano's clofs north fide Trongate
James Rankin, Todd's clofs High-ftreet
John Anderfon, houfe and Shop, below Gibfon's-wynd weft fide Saltmarket
Robert Bruce, Bellman, M'Dormon's land foot King's ftreet
Geo. Gibfon, do. Loch-head's clofs, High-ftreet
Departures and Arrivals of the different Stage-Coaches.

A Diligence fets off from James Buchanan's, Saracen's Head-Inn, upon
Sundays, Tuefdays, and Thurfdays, at 12 o'clock at night--Arrives up on
Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednefdays, at 9 o'clock at night.

A Diligence departs from James Buchanan's, Saracen's Head-Inn, at 9 o'clock
morning--Arrives the fame afternoon about 3 o'clock
A Coach goes by Falkirk and Linlithgow, from Thomas Durie's Black Bull-Inn,
Argyle's-ftreet, every lawful day, at 8 o'clock morning--Arrives the fame
afternoon, about 5 o'clock
Alfo a Coach fets out by way of Holy-Town, from the faid Inn, every lawful
day, at 8 o'clock morning--Arrives the fame afternoon, about 4 o'clock
A Fly departs from Andrew Dunbar's, King's-Arms, every lawful day, at 8
o'clock, morning--And Arrives the fame afternoon, betwixt 4 and 5 o'clock
A Coach departs from John Porteous, at the fign of the Leaping-horfe, fouth
fide Trongate, at 8 o'clock morning--Arrives the fame afternoon, betwixt 4
and 5 o'clock
Alfo a Coach from the Crown-Inn, Gallowgate, at 8 o'clock, morning--Arrives
about 4 o'clock the fame afternoon.

A Fly fets out every Tuefday and Thurfday, at half 9 o'clock, from Andrew
Dunbar's and George M'Kechnies, Saracen's-Head, Stirling, and Arrives at
both places to dinner.

The Diligence fets of from James Buchanan,s, Saracen's Head-Inn, every
lawful day, at 10 o'clock forenoon--Arrives upon the fame days, at 3 o'clock

A Fly departs from Thomas Duries, Black Bull Inn, every lawful day at 8
o'clock morning, and arrives at John M'Kechnie's at noon.--Arrives at
Glafgow, from the faid John M'Kechnie's at Greenock, a Fly at one o'clock,
fame day and hour at the Black Bull-Inn.
There is likewife a Fly fets off from Andrew Dunbar's, King's Arms, at 3
o'clock afternoon, and Arrives at John M'Kecknie's, at Greenock, at 8
o'clock evening.--Arrives from the faid Inn, at Greenock, a Fly at the above
Andrew Dunbar's, at 8 o'clock the fame evening.

A Coach fets off from George M'Farlane's, at Dumbarton, at 8 o'clock
morning, upon Mondays, Wednefdays, and Fridays--Arrives at Glafgow, about 12
o'clock, at Thomas Durie's, Black Bull. Sets out again for Dumbarton the
fame evening at 5 o'clock.

A Coach arrives at Glafgow on Monday, Wednefday, and Saturday, at 10 o'clock
forenoon, and departs at 6 the same evening, from Alex. Brown's, Breham's
land, Gallowgate
A Carrivan Arrives at Glafgow, on Mondays, Wednefdays, and Saturdays, at 11
forenoon, and departs the fame evening at 6 o'clock, from James
Sommervell's, near the Gallowgate Bridge
Another Carrivan arrives at Glafgow, each day of the week, except Tuefdays
and Thurfdays, at 11 o'clock forenoon, and departs at 5 the fame evening,
from James Giddes's, St. Andrew's entry, Gallowgate.

A Coach fets out from Andrew Dunbar's, Trongate, to Mrs. Graham's Saracen's
Head, Paifley, every day, at 10 o'clock morning, 12 at noon, 5 and 7 in the
evening, and fets out from Mrs. Graham's in like manner.
Glafgow and Paifley Stages, runs every lawful day, at 9 and 11 forenoon, one
o'clock afternoon, and at 6 and 8 in the evening, Wednefday excepted, which
day, they run at 8 o'clock in the morning, one and 3 afternoon, and 6 and 8
in the evening, from William Pinkerton's in Trongate, Glafgow, and John
Gibb's, inn-keeper, Paifley, where tickets for the faid Coaches may be had.
John M'Caul, minifter, Corbet's land, weft fide Stockwell, inftead of "weft
fide Corbet's land."
For "John Alfton, Efq." read John Alfton, fenior, Efq.

This out of copyright material has been transcribed by Brenda Pickard This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and has kindly given permission for this to be published here.