The Editor of this Directory intended it at first only as an Alphabetical List of the Subscribers of the Tontine Coffee-room, but was prevailed upon to make it of more general use, by collecting the names of as many of the Merchants, Manufacturers, &c. &c. as the time would possibly allow, with a List of such of the Firms in Glasgow as conveniently could be got.-- Those persons who are omitted at this time, and are desirous to have their names inserted in the next Directory, may leave a note of their names and places of abode at the Exchange-keeper's office, and they shall be properly inserted.
Adam John, mafon and architect, Adam's Court, Argyle-ftreet
Adam Alex. printer, Montgomery's clofs, Prince's-ftreet
Aitken Robert, fen. merchant taylor, Finniefton
Aitken Wm. woollen & linen-draper, Trongate, No. 19
Aitken James,
Aitken Robert, jun. taylor, north fide Prince's-flreet
Aitken John, maltman and brewer, Havannah-ftreet
Aitken James, mafon, Gallowgate, No. 50
Aitken James, porter-brewer, Struthers' brewerie
Aitken William, taylor, fhop Saltmarket, No. 62
Aitchefon Walter, fpirit-dealer, Trongate, No. 116
Aiton John, taylor, fhop Saltmarket, No. 58
Aird William, faddler, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Alfton John, fen. mercht. Shortridge's land, Argyle-ftr.
Alfton John, jun. mercht. Crawford's land, Bell's-wynd
Alfton John, youngeft, filk-mercer and linen-draper, Trongate, No. 26
Alfton William, merchant
Alfton John, mafon, Gorbals
Allan Richard, Efq; of Bardowie
Allan Richard, jun. keeps a callender, Lang's clofs, Gallowgate-bridge
Allan Alexander, merchant, counting-room corner of Bell's-wynd, above No. 22
Allan David, hofier, head of the Green
Allan Alexander,
Allan Robert, grocer, Stockwell
Allan Mrs. woollen and linen-dealer, Gallowgate, No. 1
Allan William, wright, beyond Old Toll, Gallowgate
Allan Robert, yarn-merchant, High-ftreet
Allifon Archibald, auctioneer, Gibfon's land, weft fide Saltmarket
Alexander Matthew, comb-maker, ware-room north fide Gallowgate
Alexander John, treafurer to the Thiftle Bank, Crawford's land, Bell's-wynd
Alexander Fergus, oil and colour fhop, Trongate, No. 92
Alexander John, jun. flocking-maker, warehoufe weft fide Candleriggs
Alexander John, tobacconift, High-ftreet, No. 15
Alexander John, boot and fhoe-maker, Ingram's land, head of the Gallowgate
Anderfon Geo. rum merchant, cellar eaft fide Stockwell
Anderfon John, tanner and flefher, foot of Old Vennal
Anderfon Robert, baker, High-ftreet, No. 145
Anderfon John, brick-maker, near the Gallowgate Toll
Anderfon James, fpirit-dealer, Gallowgate, No. 26
Anderfon John, grocer & fpirit-dealer, Gallowg. No. 52
Anderfon Andrew, boot and fhoe-maker, north fide Prince's-ftreet
Anderfon Jonathan, merchant, 3d ftorey, Tod's land, weft fide High-ftreet
Anderfon Matthew, taylor, Tilloch's clofs, High-ftreet
Anderfon John, wright, near Barrowfield-bridge
Angus James, manufacturer, warehoufe Trongate, No. 38
Arthur John, taylor, 3d flat M'Nair's fore land, Trong.
Arthur Robert, taylor, Currie's fore land, High-ftreet
Arthur Robert, manufacturer, fee firm lift
Arthur Thomas, manufacturer, Campbell-ftreet
Arthur David, firm list
Arthur James, ftabler and change-keeper, High-ftreet, No. 146
Arthur Allan, manufacturer, in Anderfton
Armour Robert, merchant, facing the Exchange
Atherton Peter & Co. cotton-twift fpinners, wareroom 1ft flat Trades land
Auftin John, manufacturer and merchant, north fide Bell's-wynd
Auchinclofs John, fide Trongate
Auchinclofs Robert, cooper,
Auchinclofs William,
Auld Peter, grocer, Stockwell
Auld Hugh, ironmonger, weft fide Saltmarket
Auld John, tobacconift, oppof. Caftlepen's land, High-ftr.
Auld William, Greenock carrier, Gallowgate, No. 28
Baird John, Efq. north fide Trongate, near the Guard
Barns John, Efq. eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Barton Benjamin, commiffary clerk, 1ft flat Buchanan's fore land, north
fide Trongate
Barber Robert, merchant, weft fide New-wynd
Barry James, land-furveyor, Carfbafket's land, Gallowgate
Baird James, taylor, eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs
Bauld Peter, dryfalter, fhop weft fide Saltmarket, No. 87
Bannatyne Dougald, merchant, Ingram's-ftreet
Bannatyne John, white-iron-fmith, Gallowgate, No. 114
Bannatyne Rob. faddler, Trongate, 1ft flat above No. 33
Bartholomew J. manufacturer head of the Green
Balquancall William, cork-cutter, Trongate, No. 28
Barr Robert, glover, High-ftreet, 2d flat above No. 14
Bailie Robert, linen-draper, Trongate, No. 101
Bachob John, porter to the Glafgow Arms Bank, lodges there
Bell Thomas, merchant, Charlotte-ftreet
Bell William, clerk to Meff. Houfton and Co.'s counting room, fouth fide Argyle's-ftreet
Bell William, ironmonger, fhop fouth fide Gallowgate, near the bridge, No. 121
Bell Peter, pocket-book maker, 2d flat fore land, laigh kirk clofs
Bell Thomas, minifter of the Relief meeting-houfe, Dovehill, head Campbell's-ftreet
Bell William, printer, Gibfon's land, Saltmarket
Bell Walter, grocer, Saltmarket, No. 60
Bell Dougall, changekeeper, Gallowgate, No. 37
Bell John, merchant, in Paifley
Begg John, teller Merchant Bank
Begg William, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 151 Beck Chriftopher, weaver,
Berrie John, baker, Saltmarket, No. 45
Birral Robert, qualifier of tobacco, 1ft clofs next the Gallowgate bridge upon the eaft fide
Beugo Gavin, tanner and glew maker, at Lancefield
Blackburn Andrew, Efq. Ingram's-ftreet
Black David, tobacco mercht. eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Black James, merchant, weft fide Miller-ftreet, No.1
Blaikie Francis, calico printer, wareroom weft fide High-ftreet, above No. 14
Blackwood Andrew, 1ft flat Alexander's land, weft fide Candleriggs
Blair Alexander, merchant
Blair James, linen and woollen-draper, Trongate, No. 18
Blair George, baker, Gallowgate, No. 105
Blair Mrs. toyfhop,
Blair Arch. painter & japanner, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Blair George, taylor, Gallowgate, No. 139
Black John, linen-printer, Trongate, wareroom above No. 15
Black James, leather-cutter, Princes-ftreet
Blyth James, boot and fhoe-maker, Trongate, No. 62
Blyth Collin, founder, Wilfon's clofs, near the foot Saltmarket
Bowman John, Efq. of Afhgrove, weft fide Virginia-ftr.
Bogle Robert, Efq. Shettlefton, eaft side Queen's-ftreet
Bogle Robert, Efq. Daldowie
Bogle Will. Efq. 1ft flat wide clofs, fouth fide Argyle's ftreet
Bogle Michael, timber merchant, weft fide Queen's-ftr. No. 4
Bogle Geo. Efq. Horn's court, by St. Enoch's church
Bogle John, merchant, at Mrs Brown's George's-ftreet
Bogle William, Capt. 56 regt. of foot, Queen's ftreet
Borland James, oil and colour fhop, north fide Trongate, No. 89
Boyd Andrew, accomptant to the Thiftle Bank, eaft fide Saltmarket
Boyd John, taylor, fouth fide Trongate, oppofite Hutchifon's Hofpital
Boog Andrew, Englifh China and ftone warehoufe, Trongate, No. 81
Booz Mrs. ftay and habit maker, Gallowgate
Bourdon Peter, manufacturer, head of Grammar-fchool wynd
Bowie Archibald, brufh maker, corner St. Andrew's entry, Gallowgate, No. 132
Bowie William, grocer, Stockwell
Bowie Robert, taylor and cloaths-broker, Saltmarket
Brafh Robert, lint-manufacturer, High-ftreet, No. 21
Braid Henry, grocer, 155
Brown Alexander, merchant, 1ft flat fore land, Robertfon's court, entry to St. Enoch's church
Brown Alexander, partner and manager Stockwell fugar houfe
Brown John, fen. mafter of work, 3d flat Robertfon's land, corner of Prince's-ftreet
Brown John, jun. merchant and manufacturer, wareroom 1ft flat facing
Wallace's clofs, Bell's-wynd
Brown James, infurance broker, office back of the Exchange
Brown George, merchant, counting-houfe High-ftreet
Brown James, fpirit proof maker, fouth fide Trongate, oppofite the Exchange
Brown John, pocket-book maker, Prince's-ftreet
Brown John, dyer, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Brown Robert, hair dreffer, Argyle-ftreet, corner Maxwell-ftreet
Brown William, nurfery & feed fhop, Trongate, No. 57
Brown Arch. ftocking warehoufe, weft fide King's-ftreet
Brown Daniel, watch-maker, eaft fide High-ftreet
Brown H. filk-dyer, Saltmarket, No. 54
Brown And. auctioner, weft fide Saltmarket, near Crofs
Brown William, glover and fkinner, foot Havannah
Brown John, taylor, Gallowgate, No. 27
Brown James, barber, Gallowgate, No. 46
Brown Alexander, changekeeper, Gallowgate, No. 18
Broadly Archibald, taylor, eaft fide High-ftreet
Brimer John, linen draper, fhop near the Candleriggs, north fide Trongate
Broadie James, faddler and faddle-tree maker, St. Andrew's entry Gallowgate
Bryce John, bookfeller, Saltmarket, No. 23
Bryce Wm. & James, fpirit-dealers, King's-ftreet, No. 40
Bruce Thomas, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 190
Brydie Hugh, changekeeper, fign of the huntfman, foot of Jamaica-ftreet
Buchanan George, fen. merchant and late brewer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Buchanan George, jun. Efq. at Renfield
Buchanan George, youngeft merchant, Argyle-ftreet
Buchanan George, merchant and dealer in cotton twift, wareroom, Stockwell, Ofwald's clofs
Buchanan Andrew, merchant, eaft fide Jamaica-ftreet
Buchanan Andrew, Efq. Mount Vernon, Adam's court 2d flat fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Buchanan Thomas, hatter wareroom 1ft clofs head Saltmarket
Buchanan Thomas, Efq. of Boquhan, Buchanan's back land, north fide Trongate
Buchanan John, Efq. of Carfton, merchant, counting room Ofwald's clofs Stockwell
Buchanan James, of Finnick, merchant, north fide Trongate oppofite the Church
Buchanan William, and Son, at the fun fire office Trongate No. 25
Buchanan William, and Leckie, ftocking fhop head King's-ftreet, fouth fide Trongate, No. 34
Buchanan James, Saracen's head, Gallowgate
Buchanan Alexander, taylor, fouth fide Prince's-ftreet
Buchanan John, hatt-manufacturer, fhop head Gallowgate, No. 9
Buchanan John, ferrier and fmith, Stockwell
Buchanan Andrew, fhoe-maker, bailie Orr's land, Gallowgate
Buchanan William, faddler, High-ftreet, No. 187
Buchanan George, faddler, Trongate, No. 77
Buchanan John, dealer in meal, High-ftreet, No. 97
Buchanan Alex. fmith and ferrier, eaft fide Stock-well
Buchanan Frances, dealer in ftrong beer and ale, Broomielaw
Buchanan James, officer to the taylors, above Barkley's tavern Saltmarket
Buchanan Andrew, officer to the bakers, ftorehoufe Ingram's-ftreet
Burns John, minifter, Barony parifh, eaft fide High-ftreet, almoft oppofite the Grammar fchool wynd
Burns James, leather-dealer, eaft fide High-ftr. No. 180
Burns George, leather and fpirit dealer, Ingram's land, Gallowgate
Burns James, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 79
Burnfide John, merchant, Charlotte-ftreet
Campbell John, Efq. of Clathick, weft fide Virginia-ftreet
Campbell John, jun. Madeira court, beyond Argyle-ftr.
Campbell John, fen. Reid's land, north
Campbell Alex. clerk to Jo. Campbell, fen.
Campbell James, faddler, warehoufe Trongate, No. 74
Campbell James, tanner, Dovehill, north fide Gallowgate
Campbell Jo. woollen & linen-draper, Trongate, No. 29
Campbell Daniel, retailer of ftrong beer and ale, Broomielaw
Campbell William, porter to the Royal Bank eaft fide High-ftreet, lodges there
Cameron Hector, woollen and linen-draper, Gallowgate, No. 145
Calder Archibald, treafurer to the Ship Bank, 1ft clofs north of the well, High-ftreet
Calder John, manufacturer, in Anderfton
Calder John, watch-maker, High-ftreet, No. 57
Carlifle John, collector of the cefs, 2d clofs weft fide High-ftreet
Carrick Robert, cafhier to the Ship Bank, 2d flat above the Bank, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Carmichael William, merchant, Craig's land, weft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Carmichael Patrick, doctor, head of the Green
Carrick James, linen-draper, fhop High-ftreet, No. 207
Carruthers James, merchant, 4th flat fore land 1ft clofs below the well, High-ftreet
Carfwell James, woollen and linen-draper, King's-ftreet,
Carfwell Allan, tobacconift and fpirit-dealer, Saltmarket, No. 69
Carrick William, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 94
Carmichael James, do. 10
Chapman Robert, printer, lodgings Duncan's land, weft fide High-ftreet
Chalmers Alexander, incle-manufacturer, Dovehill
Chriftie John, tobacconift, houfe in the country
Chriftie Thomas, painter, eaft fide head of the Stockwell
Chriftie Hugh, fpirit-dealer, Candleriggs
Clark William, comptroller, Broomielaw
Clark James, capt. at Mrs. Glen's, 3d flat weft fide Jamaica-ftreet
Clark John, taylor, fouth-fide Trongate, above No. 31
Clachan William, lint-heckler & flax-dreffer, Saltmarket, No. 26
Cleghorn Robert, phyfician, Spreul's land, Trongate
Clow Robert, painter, back of the Trades land, head of the Gallowgate
Coats William, merchant, head of the Gallowgate, above No. 1
Coats George, merchant, corner of Buchanan-ftreet, eaft fide
Coats Archibald, merchant, Charlotte-ftreet
Coats John, manufacturer, Dovehill
Coats James, yarn-merchant, wareroom 1ft flat Maxwell's fore land fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Coats Thomas, dryfalter, fhop High-ftreet, No. 11
Coats Thomas, yarn-merchant, fhop do.....No. 58
Colquhoun Patrick, merchant, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Colquhoun Humphry, do. ....Wilfon's land, near the foot of the Saltmarket
Colquhoun Sutherland, callico-printer, wareroom Old Vennal
Colquhoun Lamont, baker, Bridgegate
Colquhoun James, change-keeper, Gallowgate, No. 31
Colvill George, wholefale dealer in victual, eaft fide Jamaica-ftreet
Colvill Thomas, fpirit-dealer, fhop Gallowgate, No. 30
Colvill Robert, bookbinder, above No. 98, Trongate
Corbet James, jun. Efq. Tolcrofs
Corbet Cunningham, merchant, eaft fide King's-ftreet
Corbet Arch. and James, jun. thread manufacturers, Hendrie's land, head of the Gallowgate
Copland William, callico and linen printer, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Copland James, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 47
Cowan Andrew, fenior, wholefale dealer in victual, Grahamftown
Cowan Robert,
Cowan James, Newark twift wareroom, High-ftreet, above No. 19
Cooper William, merchant, Currie's clofs, High-ftreet
Cooper John, taylor, 1ft clofs weft fide
Cooper James, fhoemaker, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Coubrough Archibald, bookfeller and circulating library, High-ftree, No. 17
Connell Matthew, copper and white-iron-fmith, Bridgegate
Cochran John, dealer in fpirits and ale, at the fign of the Sun, eaft fide Saltmarket
Crauford Robert, Efq. Poffil
Crauford Tho. merchant, Crauford's land, Bell's wynd
Crauford Ronald, Efq. of Frifkey
Crauford George, clerk to the Merchant's-houfe, head of King's-ftreet
Crauford Matthew, yarn-merchant, High-ftreet, fhop No. 22
Crauford Thomas, wright, head of the Old Vennal
Crauford Charles, hair-dreffer, head of Jamaica-ftreet
Craigie Laurence, Barr's back land facing the College
Craig John, fen. wholefale dealer in victual, Clayflap
Craig John, jun. merchant, weft fide Stockwell
Craig John, youngeft, architect to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales
Craig William, timber-merchant, Clyde-ftreet
Craig Robert, baker, Trongate, No. 45
Craig Andrew, iron-monger, Trongate, No. 83
Craig James & John, iron-mongers, Saltmarket, No. 7
Craig James, plumber, in Mrs. Bogle's wood-yard, Clyde-ftreet
Craig Robert, chaife-fetter, head of the Stockwell
Craig Archibald, victualler, Gallowgate, No. 40
Craig John, fhoemaker, High ftreet, No. 115
Cree John, furgeon, Gallowgate, above No. 114
Crofs David, merchant, Adams' court, Argyle-ftreet
Crofs Hugh, of the Stockwell
Crofs William, merchant, Bell's wynd
Crookfhanks James, baker, Saltmarket, No. 42
Crum John, cotton and fpirit-dealer, Gallowgate, No. 18
Crum Alexander and James, manufacturers and linen-printers, fhop Gallowgate, No. 12
Cuters James, merchant, head of the Bridgegate
Cuters Law,
Cuthbertfon William, fen. maltman and brewer, Calton
Cuthbertfon William, merchant, Bell's wynd
Cullins James, beef ftake houfe, back of the Exchange
Currie John, taylor and broker, Gallowgate, No. 134
Dale David, merchant, weft fide Charlotte-ftreet, his cotton-twift wareroom High-ftreet, above No. 18
Dalrymple John, hofier firft clofs next to the Exchange, Trongate
Dalmahoy Alexander, tanner, faddler, and bridle-cutter, Bridgegate
Dallas Alexander, grocer, eaft fide Jamaica-ftreet
Davidfon John, grocer, fhop Gallowgate, No. 128
Davidfon Wm. tanner, tan-yard, weft fide New-wynd
Dawfon John, brafs-founder, Miller's clof's weft fide Saltmarket
Dennifon James, fen. Efq. of Colgrain, 2d flat firft clofs weft from Miller-ftreet
Dennifon James, jun. merchant, 1ft flat Horn's land corner of St Enoch's ftreet
Dennifon Richard, merchant, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Dennifon James, manufacturer, wareroom, 1ft ftair eaft fide High-ftreet
Dempfter Anthony, painter, Gallowgate
Dempfter James, druggift, Gallowgate, No. 38
Dempfter John, porter to the Thiftle Bank, lodges there
Dinwiddie Robert, Efq. of Jermifton
Dinwiddie Law, merchant, warehoufe north fide Trongate, near the Exchange
Dinning Robert, tobacconift, Gallowgate, No. 116
Dickfon James, fmith, back of the Candleriggs well
Dick Andrew, tobacconift, High-ftreet, fhop No. 12
Dick William, fmith and iron-monger, Bridgegate
Dobbie Mr. fugar boiler
Donald John, jeweller and lapidary, King's-ftreet, No. 64
Donald William, wholefale linen-draper, north fide head of the Gallowgate, No. 7
Donaldfon Alexander, teller to the Ship Bank, lodges in Mrs. Gordon's eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Donaldfon James, merchant back of the well eaft fide High-ftreet
Donaldfon William, merchant, Donaldfon's clofs, weft fide High-ftreet
Donaldfon Alexander, mafter of one of the track-boats
Dougal James, merchant in Port Glafgow
Douglafs Coll. Efq. of Mains
Douglafs John, merchant, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Douglafs George, plumber, west fide Virginia-ftreet
Douglafs Andrew, hofier, St Andrew's entry, Saltmarket
Dounie Robert, wright, Gallowgate, No. 77
Dreghorn Robert, Efq. of Rough-hill
Drummond Rob. tallow-chandler, Gallowgate, No. 34
Drummond Alexander, flax-dreffer, Bell's-wynd
Dunlop William, merchant, eaft fide King's-ftreet
Dunlop James, Efq. of Garnkirk, head of Virginia-ftreet
Dunlop James, jun. merchant
Dunlop Robert, fen. merchant, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Dunlop John, merchant, eaft fide Queen's-ftreet
Dunlop Alexander, furgeon, 1ft flat corner land, next to Virginia-ftreet
Dunlop Robert, jun. manufacturer, 2d flat Baldwheridge land Bell's-wynd
Dunlop Alex. ftationer, lodges with do.
Dunlop and Wilfon, bookfellers, and ftationary fhop, Trongate No. 98
Dunlop James, taylor, Buchanan's land, north fide Trongate
Duncan Charles, merchant, Charlotte-ftreet
Dunmore Thomas, Efq. 1ft flat Robertfon's court, corner of St. Enoch's-ftreet
Dunmore Robert, merchant, Miller's-ftreet, upon the weft fide
Duguid John, weft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Duguid William, Prince's-ftreet
Dunbar Andrew, inkeeper, fign King's-Arms, north fide Trongate
Durnbell John, Charlotte-ftreet, cotton-dealer
Durie Thomas, innkeeper, the fign of the Black Bull, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Duncan James, bookfeller, fhop fouth fide Trongate, facing the Guard, No. 35
Duncan John, jun. bookfeller, Saltmarket No. 9
Duncan John, of Miln-field, fnuffmills upon Kelvin
Duncan Andrew, baker, Trongate No. 58
Dunn James, grocer, New-wynd
Dunn Malcolm, manufacturer, Drygate
Dunn William, collector to the wrights, Maxwell-ftreet
Eadie John, cork cutter, eaft fide of the Candle-riggs
Edmund David, wholefale dealer in Scots manufactures, fhop Saltmarket No. 98
Edgar John, pantyle-maker, pot-maker, and brickmaker, at Graham's-fquare
Edwards Alex. barber and hair dreffer, Trongate, by Hutchefon's Hofpital
Elliot David, merchant, Jamaica-ftreet
Erfkine Michael, infurance broker, 3d flat Buchanan's fore land Trongate
Erfkine Thomas, hat-maker, Saltmarket No. 19
Ewing Walter, merchant, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Ewing Robert, baker, Trongate No. 51
Ewing Andrew, victualler, in wholefale, head Old wynd
Ewing William, callico and linen printer, wareroom 1ft flat in Maxwell's
fore land, Argyle-ftreet
Ewing Patrick, woollen and linen draper, Trongate No. 120
Ewing James, grocer, Trongate No. 84
Ewing Alexander, officer to the maltmen
Ewing Alexander, vintner, foot Jamaica-ftreet
Fairquar Alexander, taylor, head New-wynd
Farie Robert, bookfeller, Saltmarket No. 16
Farie John, baker, Stockwell
Falconer John, manufacturer, Trades land head Saltmt.
Falconer Peter, manufacturer in Anderfton
Ferie Mrs. comb-maker, Gallowgate No. 147
Fergufon Andrew, woollen and linen draper, Trongate No. 5
Fergufon William, dealer in Scots manufactures, Gallowgate No.4
Fergufon Duncan, do. High-ftreet No. 174
Fergus James, boot and fhoe-maker, Saltmarket No. 74
Fergus Thomas, dry-falter, Saltmarket No. 91
Fergus John, fen. victualler, Partick
Fergufon Alexander, grocer and change-keeper, Gallowgate No. 72
Findlay Robert, merchant, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Findlay James, Efq. of Bogfide, Reid's land fouth fide Argyle's-ftreet
Findlay James, merchant and manufacturer, firft clofs upon the fouth fide Argyle's-ftreet
Findlay John, wright, Havannah
Findlay George, do. and trunk maker, foot Saltmarket
Fife James, merchant, to be found at Sommervell and Gordon's counting room
Fife James, dealer in ftrong beer and ale, Broomielaw,
Fife........., umbrella maker, Trongate, above No. 35
Fleeming David, ironmonger, fhop Trongate No. 100
Fleeming John, flefher, weft fide King's-ftreet
Fleeming Mrs. baker, Gallowgate No. 29
Forlong James, manufacturer, Havannah
Forlong William, fpirit dealer, Gallowgate, fhop No. 21
Forrefter and Reid, hardware dealers, ware-houfe Trongate, No. 4
Foyer Walter, hair dreffer and barber, Gallowg. No. 74
Forfyth John, grocer, Stockwell
Frafer William, ironmonger, Gallowgate No. 137
Frafer Thomas, grocer, High-ftreet No. 122
Freeland John, and Co. yarn merchant, weft fide High-ftreet, No. 45
Fulton William, fmith and anchor-maker, oppofite Tron Church
Galloway John, woollen draper and mercer, fhop fouth fide Trongate, No. 6.
Galloway Alexander, tea and fpirit dealer, fhop fouth fide Prince's-ftreet
Galloway Robert, baker, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Galbreath James, white iron manufacturer and japanner, fouth fide Bridgegate
Gammell Robert, tobacconift, Saltmarket, No. 78
Gammel Hugh, fpirit dealer, Ingram's clofs Gallowg.
Gardner James, grocer, formerly M'Nair's fhop No. 31
Gardner James, comb-maker, Gallowgate, fhop No. 148
Gardner Adam, fpirit dealer, High-ftreet, No. 72
Gardner Archibald, grocer, Saltmarket, No. 49
Gardner Ephraim, tanner, next to the Englifh Chapel
Gardner David, Banking Company
Gardner John, mathematical inftrument-maker, in Bell's wynd, Crawford's land
Gardner John, fpirit dealer, fouth fide Gallowg. old toll
Gardner William, taylor and grocer, High-ftreet No. 95
George James, tobacco broker, fouth fide Bridgegate
Geddes John, manager of the flint and bottle glafs work, Broomielaw
Gentle William, baker, High-ftreet, No. 147
Gentle James, baker, Gallowgate, No. 42
Gillis John, Dalnotter
Gillefpie William, linen printer, and cotton twift dealer in Anderfton
Gibfon William, dealer in Englifh cotton yarn, wareroom Trongate, above No. 49
Gilchrift Francis, merchant, at Mr John Campbell's fen. Reid's land north fide Argyle's-ftreet
Gilchrift Mufhett, boot and fhoemaker, Trongate No. 66
Gilmour John, taylor, Trongate, next clofs to the Exchange
Gibfon John, flefher, 2d flat Jamiefon's land, eaft fide King's-ftreet
Gibfon James, wright and cabinet-maker, in Gibfon's ftreet Gallowgate
Gillfillan John, barber, Gallowgate
Gillies Niel, manufacturer, Gallowgate, No. 83
Gilmour Robert, officer to the flefhers, by the flaughter houfe
Glafgow Alexander, manufacturer, in Anderfton
Glafs Archibald, cooper, fouth fide Argyle's-ftreet
Glafs Hugh, meal-feller, Saltmarket, No. 72
Glen Ninian, cabinet-maker and joiner, by the High-Church
Glen Robert, dyer, Spoutmouth, Gallowgate
Glen Alexander, merchant, in Ruffia goods, back No. 1 weft fide Queen's-ftreet
Glen William, dealer in Ruffia goods, Mitchell-ftreet by St. Enoch's Burn
Gordon James, merchant, Virginia-ftreet, upon the eaft fide
Gordon John, merchant, 2d flat Gordon's land, north fide Argyle's-ftreet, near St. Enoch's Burn
Gordon Alexander, merchant, 1ft flat do. do.
Grahame Thomas, writer, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet
Graham Archibald, cafhier, to the Thiftle Bank, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet, No. 9
Graeme Robert, fen. fheriff fubftitute, 2d flat Difpenfary clofs, High-ftreet
Graham Walter, rum merchant, cellar in Wallace's clofs, Bell's-wynd
Graham John, of Achinfickan at Finnifton
Graham David, clerk at Meff. Hopkirks' counting houfe, back of Mr M'Caul's lodging corner Queen's ftreet
Graham Robert, jun. writer, above the Thiftle Bank, Virginia-ftreet
Graham Adam, gold fmith and jeweller, fhop weft fide King's-ftreet, near the head
Graham Alexander, whole fale victualler, eaft fide Queen ftreet
Gray Hon. Fran. 2d flat Wilfon's land, eaft fide Saltmarket near the foot
Gray James, coal-mafter, office in Mr. Bifhop's, old Difpenfary clofs High-ftreet
Gray Robert, jeweller and filver fmith, fhop north fide Trongate, No. 87
Grant Adam, carpet manufacturer, foot Havannah-ftreet
Grant Eglesfield, wire worker, north fide Trongate near the Guard
Grierfon Charles, merchant, Buchanan's back land Trongate
Hamilton John, Efq. at Cockney
Hamilton John, Efq. of Weftburn
Hamilton John, jun. Efq.
Hamilton Gilbert, merchant and agent for Carron Company, weft fide Queen's-ftreet at No. 7
Hamilton Archibald, agent for Paifley Bank, counting room fouth fide Trongate, above No. 14
Hamilton John, and Co. rum merchant, cellar Leeche's clof fouth fide Trongate
Hamilton George, merchant, 1ft flat weft fide Dunlop-ft.
Hamilton William, profeffor of anatomy and furgeon, New Court College
Hamilton John, watch maker, wide clofs fouth fide Gallowgate, near the Bridge
Hamilton Alexander, tobacconift fhop weft fide Stockwell
Hamilton John, grocer, King's-ftreet
Hamilton James and Co. grocers, Trongate No. 86
Hall John, ftocking ware-houfe, weft fide King's-ftreet
Haddin John, fpirit dealer and changekeeper, Bridgegate
Hardie Andrew, dyer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Harvie James, grocer, Trongate, No. 43
Harvie Alexander, tallow chandler, Tron. No. 47
Harvie Robert, grocer, King's-ftreet
Harvie Alexander, grocer, High-ftreet No. 178
Hardie Robert, baker High-ftreet, No. 172
Hastie Thomas, clerk with Bailie Robert Mann, Stockwell
Haltridge Andrew, barber and hair dreffer, next houfe to the Guard
Harper William, thread manufacturer, wareroom north fide Bell's-wynd
Hardie Hen. and Co. merchant, wholefale dealer in Irifh linen, wareroom in Wallace's clofs, fouth fide Bell's-wynd
Hay John, merchant and dealer in candle and foap, fhop weft fide King's-ftreet
Henderfon Arch. merchant, 2d flat corner houfe upon the weft of Virginia-ftreet
Henderfon James, merchant, St. Enoch's Bank
Herbertfon John, thread manufacturer, Rottenrow
Henry Alexander, manufacturer, Head Green
Hill Ninian, and Co. furgeon, difpenfary fhop Leeche's land, fouth fide Trongate, No. 54
Hill James, writer and collector to the merchants houfe, 1ft flat corner land eaft fide Stockwell
Hill John, ftays along with his father Mr James Hill
Hopkirk, James, Efq. of Dalbeth, corner houfe eaft fide of Dunlop-ftreet
Hopkirk Thomas, 1ft flat weft fide Queen's-ftreet No. 4
Houfton Andrew, Esq. Jordon Hill
Houfton Robert, merchant, fouth fide Argyle's-ftreet, facing Queen-ftreet
Houfton Alexander, Efq. of Rofshaugh
Houfhould Charles, keeper of the fample-room at the back of the Exchange
Houfhould George, manager of Bell's wynd fugar-houfe
Houfhould Charles, jun. cooper, Candleriggs
Houfton Patrick, grocer, High-ftreet No. 52
Houfton Thomas, London porter cellar, eaft fide Stockwell
Horn William, wright and houfe builder, Horn's court, Argyle-ftreet
Hoods Andrew, cooper, fouth fide Gallowgate
Hoods John, cooper, Candleriggs
Houftoun's Thomas tavern, laigh kirk clofs
Holywell, dealer in cotton-twift, wareroom 1ft flat Tades land
Hozier William and Co. manufacturers, wareroom Trades land
Hogg Silby and Co. muflin manufacturer, right-hand corner houfe, entring Bell's wynd by High-ftreet
Hunter Duncan, from London, merchant
Hunter Alexander, to be found at Mr Stirling's wareroom High-ftreet
Hunter Robert, dealer in fpirits, ftrong beer and ale, wholefale and retail, Dovehill clofs, weft fide Saltmarket
Hutton John, dyer, weft fide Virginia-ftreet
Hutchefon David, procurator fifcal, one of the Town clerks, 1ft flat corner land 1ft clofs fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Ingram William, merchant and infurance broker, 2 flat Buchanan's back land, 3d clofs from the Exchange
Ingles David and Co. manufacturer and linen printer, wareroom Jeffrey's land, 1ft flat fouth fide Trongate
Ingles John, linen draper, 1ft fhop next the laigh Church, Trongate No. 24
Ingles James, hat manufacturer, north fide Trongate
Ingles James, officer to the mafons, foot New Wynd
Jackfon James, poft mafter, lodgings eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Jack Andrew, and Co. woollen drapers, below the Exchange, fhop No. 127
Jack Peter, tavern-keeper oppofite Black Bull, Argyle-ftreet
Jamiefon John, furgeon, Jamiefon's land King's-ftreet
Jamiefon John, ftocking fhop, High-ftreet, No. 2
Jamiefon and Linton, linen drapers, High-ft. No. 203
Jamiefon Robert, baker, High-ftreet No. 186.
Jamiefon Alexander, print and ftationary fhop, Exchange No. 124
Jamiefon Hugh, manufacturer in Anderfton
Jamiefon George,
Jamiefon William,
Jardine George, profeffor of logic, College
Jeffrey James, architect, cabinet-maker and house wright, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Jenkins & Son, boot & fhoemakers, High-ftreet, No. 194
Jervey John, inn and tavern-keeper, at the Bafon, weft end Great Canal
Jervey Robert, dealer in Scots goods, Gallowgate, No. 6
Johnfton William, iron-monger, Trongate, No. 68
Jones Nathaniel, keeper of the fervants' regifter-office, 2d ftair, left hand, Prefbyterian clofs, Saltmarket
Kay Alexander, at Mr Swanfton's shop, Trongate, No. 85
Kent John and Co. grocers, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Kennedy Daniel, gardener, weft fide St Enoch's burn
Keffing David, linen-printer, Gilmorholm
Kelly James, officer to the dyers, Glen's land, Spoutmouth
King John, flefher, corner of Bullock lane, fouth fide Bridgegate
Kinniburg George, manufacturer, wareroom weft fide High-ftreet
Kirkland John,
Kirkland James, tobacconift, Gallowgate, No. 14
Kirkwood James, faddler, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Kirkwood James, grocer, Trongate, No. 39
King Samuel, porter to the Ship Bank, lodges there
Knox Robert, grocer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Kyle Robert, baker, Saltmarket, No. 83
Lang William, fen. merchant and manufacturer, fouth fide Gallowgate
Lang William, jun.
Lang James, founder, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Lang John, flefher, Jamiefon's land, King's-ftreet
Lang William, fmith, jack-maker and bell-hanger, Old Wynd
Lang William, hat-maker, eaft fide Saltmarket
Lang Robert, fen. dryfalter, Saltmarket, No. 24
Lang Robert,
Lapflay William, grocer and fpirit-dealer, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Laurie John, merchant, 2d flat Douglas' land, St. Andrew's entry, Saltmarket
Laurie David, manufacturer, fee the firm lift
Laurie David, clerk and partner in Bogle and Scott's wood-yard, Clyde-ftreet
Laurie William, agent for the Great Canal, eaft fide Queen's-ftreet
Laurie David, jun. corn-factor, weft fide Miller-ftreet, back of No. 1 and 2
Laurie Daniel, grocer, fhop Gallowgate, No.20 Laurie Thomas, dealer in victual and fpirits, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Lawfon James, merchant, Caftlepen's new land, High-ftreet
Lawfon John, principal jailor, 3d clofs from the head of the Saltmarket, eaft fide
Lawfon Ralph, cloaths-broker, Gallowgate, No. 16
Lietch John, merchant, counting-room Dunlop-ftreet, lodgings Robertfon's court, weft fide Argyle-ftreet
Lightbody Adam, merchant and callico and linen-printer, wareroom fouth-fide Bell's-wynd
Lindfay James, wood-merchant, Broomielaw
Lindfay John, merchant and clerk in Meffrs. Dunlops' counting-room,
Leitch's clofs, Trongate
Lighton John, boot and fhoe-maker, fhop Prince's-ftreet
Low Alexander, merchant, Robertfon's court, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Logan Walter, fen. city-chamberlain, 3d flat Maxwell's fore land, Argyle-ftreet
Logan Walter, jun. merchant and clerk with Provoft Colquhoun
Loban George, grocer, Trongate, No. 60
Lockhart George, merchant & manufacturer, Mrs. Gray's, Prince's-ftreet
Lockhart James, hardware merchant, Saltmarket, No. 97
Logan Tho. woollen & linen-draper, High-ftr. No. 195
Lothian Robert, chaplain to the Trades-houfe, fouth fide St. Andrew's entry, Saltmarket
Lothian George, merchant, Barr's land, High-ftreet, oppofite the College
Loudon Muirhead, merchant, eaft fide Stockwell
Loudon James, collector to the Great Canal, office and houfe weft end of the Canal
Love John, merchant, Barr's land, High-ftreet, oppofite the College
Love Hugh, grocer, King's-ftreet, No. 9
Lumfden James, engraver, 2d flat Craig's land, head of the Old-wynd
Luke Michael, taylor, top of Gibfon's land
Lyon Geo. copper & white iron fmith, Gallowg. No. 45
Marfhall Richard, wine and rum merchant, beyond Madeira court, Argyle-ftreet
Marfhall Rob. phyfician, Argyle-ftreet, oppof. the Bull
Marfhall Robert, manager to the Glafgow tan-work near the Gallowgate bridge
Marfhall John, accomptant to the Ship Bank
Marfhalls S. and R. haberdafhers, Trongate, No. 63
Marfhall John, dealer in ftone-ware, King's-ftreet
Mann Robert, cabinet-maker and joiner, weft fide Stockwell
Martin William, cabinet-maker & houfe-wright, Bridgegate
Martin Robert, muflin and cambric dreffer, Prov. Bowman's clofs, High-ftreet
Maxwell Stephen, copper and white-iron-fmith, fhop fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Maxwell John, barber & hair-dreffer, Gallowg. No. 58
Mennons John, printer of the Glafgow Advertifer (publifhed every Monday evening) Saltmarket, No. 22
Menzies James, yarn-merchant, High-ftreet, No. 71
Meikle William, baker, Gallowgate, No. 140
Meikle William, plafterer, weft fide Maxwell-ftreet
Miller George, fen. wholefale merchant, 1ft flat Ingram's land, head of the Gallowgate
Miller George, jun.
Miller William, merchant, King's-ftreet
Miller William, fhoe-maker, a little above Bell's-wynd, weft fide High-ftreet, No. 25
Millers Alexander, fenior and junior, flaters, Old-wynd
Miller John, keeper of a callender, Old-vennal
Miller's Mrs. barley-office, eaft fide Candleriggs
Miller.........., engineer, at the Great Canal
Miller Thomas, baker, and collector to the bakers, Gallowgate, No. 55
Miller William, bookfeller, Saltmarket, No. 25
Miller James, grocer, Argyle-ftreet
Miller A. filk-dyer, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Milliken John, reed-maker, Legat's land 2d clofs weft fide High-ftreet
Mitchell William, accomptant to the Royal Bank
Mitchell John, barber & hair-dreffer, High-ftreet, No. 56
Moncrieff Robert Scott, banker, Horn's court, by St. Enoch's Church
Monteith Walter, merchant, and head clerk, to the tan-work Company, Gallowgate
Monteith James, furgeon, Adam's Court, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Monteith James, fen. muflin manufacturer, at Anderfton
Monteith James, jun. dealer in cotton twift, at Cambuflang
Monteith John, muflin manufacturer, Bell's-wynd
Monteith Robert, do. widow Brown's, head Gallowgate
Monteith Henry and Co. do. at Anderfton
Montgomerie James, maltman and brewer, near the Spoutmouth, Gallowgate
Montgomerie........., upholfterer, 2d flat next to the Tron Church
Moodie William, linen draper, fhop fouth fide Trong. No. 53
Moodie Alex. hair-dreffer, to the Bull, fouthfide Trongate, oppofite Spruel's land
Morrice Robert, merchant and hofier, wareroom north fide Trongate
Morrice Andrew, furgeon, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Morifon John, cabinet-maker and houfe-wright, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Morifon Daniel, officer to the weaver trade, Montrofe lodging, Drygate
Murdoch George, Efq; fen. Horn's court, by St. Enoch's Church
Murdoch Peter, merchant, weft fide Queen-ftreet
Murdoch James, fen. and Co. merchant, wareroom Leitche's clofs, fouth fide Trongate
Murdoch James, jun. and Co. carpet wareroom, Wood's land head Back-wynd
Murdoch George, accomptant depute to the Glafgow Arms-Bank, at widow
Kippen's, Shortridge land, Argyle-ftreet
Murdoch Warrick, and Co. brewerie at Anderfton
Muirhead Robert, merchant, at the Chapel Gorbals
Muirhead James, faddler, fouth fide Trongate
Mundle Robert, merchant
Mutter Thomas, woollen and linen draper, Saltmarket No. 100
Muir James, brewer, and retailer of ftrong beer and ale, Saltmarket
Murray Morrice, cabinet-maker, and houfe-wright, Miller-ftreet
Murray Charles, and Mulloch in Co. wig-makers, and hair-dreffers, 2d clofs above the Crofs, upon the weft fide
Murray William, fhuttle-maker, eaft fide Saracen's-head
Muir James, hop-merchant, High-ftreet, No. 170
Muir William, window and houfe-furveyor, 3d flat Craig's land, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Muir James, furgeon, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet, near to the foot
Muckle Mrs. tobacconift, Gallowgate, No. 124
Mucklejohn Peter, hofier, Gallowgate, No. 76
M'Auflan and Oufton, in Co. feed merchants, fhop Trongate, No. 79
M'Aulay Robert, writer, 2d clofs, 2d flat, above the Crofs, upon the weft fide
M'Aulay Allan, gardner, Grahamfton
M'Allum Robert, taylor and cloaths-broker, Gallowgate, No. 24
McCaull Alex. merchant, 1ft flat Reid's land, north fide Argyle-ftreet
M'Caull James, merchant, eaft fide Miller-fteet
M'Caull George, broad cloth merchant, ware-houfe next to the Exchange
M'Caull John, jun. merchant and manufacturer, wareroom Trongate, above No. 26
M'Brair Archibald, dry-falter, fhop eaft fide High-ftreet, No. 193
M'Comb Hector, merchant and carpet manufacturer, wareroom Wood's land head Back-wynd
M'Corkindale Mrs. haberdafher, Trongate, No. 2
M'Culloch John, woollen and linen draper, Trongate, No. 7
M'Credie Archibald, merchant, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
M'Douall James, merchant, eaft fide Buchanan-ftreet
M'Douall John, merchant, head Jamaica-ftreet
M'Dougall John, boot and fhoe-maker, 2d clofs eaft from the Tron Church
M'Donald Peter, teacher of vocal mufic Selkirk's clofs, Gallowgate
M'Donald Angus, dealer in filver-plate, hard-ware, and toys, fhops Trongate Nos. 80 and 105
M'Donald John, falt and barley office, Trong. No. 91
M'Ewan James, gold fmith and jeweller, lodgings Trongate, above No. 87
M'Ewan William, woollen and linen draper, Trongate, No. 1
McFarlane James, woollen and linen draper, Trongate, No. 119
M'Farlane Collin, vintner, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
M'Farlane Duncan, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 59
M'Farlane Robert, boot and fhoe-maker, Ingram's land
M'Farlane William, woollen and linen draper, Trongate, No. 22
M'Farlane Robert, fnuff office, Candleriggs
M'Gilvera Malcolm, linen and woollen draper, fhop a little above the Crofs, eaft fide
M'Gilchrift Donald, Efq. foot Saltmarket
M'Gill Ninian, jack-maker, north fide Trongate
M'Goun's Andrew, book, mufic, and ftationary, fhop head Stockwell
M'Gregor James, wholefale linen dealer, eaft fide Candleriggs
M'Haffie David and Co. haberdafhers, Gallowgate, No. 136
M'Intofh George, merchant, his dwelling-houfe is near the Secret Work, near the foot of the Drygate
M'Indoe Hugh, vintner, north fide Gallowgate
M'Indoe Robert, filk fhop Horn's land, by Virginia-ftr.
M'Indoe---, comb-maker, fhop Gallowgate, No. 149
M'Ilhofe James, heritor, north fide Gallowgate, facing Charlotte-ftreet
M'Ilhofe James, cooper, Bell's-wynd
M'Kenzie John, and Co. upholfterer, next land to Hutchefon's Hofpital
M'Kean Andrew, manufacturer, 2d flat upon the weft fide Saltmarket
M'Kechnie John, woollen and linen draper, Trongate No. 8
M'Kechnie William, barber and hair-dreffer, fouth fide Gallowgate
M'Lauchlan John, clerk to the poft office, weft fide King's-ftreet
M'Learn James, tambourer and needle-work printer, Lochhead's clofs, High-ftreet
M'Lintock Robert, woollen and linen draper, fhop near the Crofs, eaft fide High-ftreet, No. 201
M'Lintock and Paterfon, grocers, Trongate, No. 33
M'Millan Andrew, dealer in Scots manufactories, fhop fouth fide Gallowgate, No. 142
M'Millan Robert and Co. hofier, wareroom Bowman's land weft fide High-ftreet
M'Millan Daniel, fhoe-maker, fhop weft fide King's-ftreet oppofite Prince's-ftreet
M'Millan Hector, grocer, Trongate, No. 82
M'Nair Robert, fen. fugar-houfe, fouth fide Gallowgate facing the Spoutmouth
M'Nair Robert, jun.
M'Nair Andrew, linen printer, Milgavie
M'Nair John, bookfeller, Trongate, No. 118
M'Naye James, merchant, counting-room, 3d flat Trades land, head of the Gallowgate
M'Nicoll and Livingfton, grocers, Gallowgate, No. 122
Naper and Dun in Co. watch-makers, fhop head of the Stockwell
Neilfon Walter, merchant, weft fide Candleriggs
Neilfon William, candle-maker, Gallowgate, No. 92
Neilfon John, grocer and ham-curer, Saltmarket, No. 82
Neilfon John, collector to the gardeners,
Newbigging Archibald, muflin manufacturer, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet, facing Bell's-wynd
Neale Adam, manufacturer, in Anderfton
Neale John,
Norris Alexander, fenior and junior, bleachers and manufacturers head of the Green
Notman's Archibald ftocking fhop, High-ftreet, No. 96
Noble Jofhua, auctioneer, north fide Trongate, above No. 115
Nicoll John, fhoe-maker, corner of the Laigh Kirk clofs
Nifbet John, fworn meafurer, Jamaica-ftreet
Nifbet Peter, dyer, above Bunn's-wynd, High-ftreet
Niven David, printer, 1ft clofs below Gibfon's-wynd, Saltmarket
Orr John, Efq. of Barrowfield, advocate, and one of the city clerks, George's-ftreet, Ramfhorn ground
Orr Matthew, Efq. abroad
Orchart William, woollen and linen-draper, Trongate, No.10
Ofwald George, Efq. of Scotftoun
Ofwald Alexander, Efq. of Shieldhall
Ofburn Murray, mathematical inftrument maker, Gallowgate
Paterfon's Mrs. feed fhop, Trongate, No. 78
Paterfon Archibald, tallow-chandler, fhop fouth fide Gallowgate, No. 130
Paterfon Thomas, brewer and maltman, St. Enoch's wynd
Paterfon John, fpirit-dealer, Argyle-ftreet
Paterfon James, hair-dreffer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Paton Capt. Arch. Trongate, oppofite the Exchange
Paton And. fpirit-dealer, weft fide High-ftreet, No. 23
Paton Jofeph, grocer and fruit-dealer, Gallowgate, No. 131
Patifon Ben. plummer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Park William, rum merchant, cellar weft fide Stockwell, near the head
Park William, grocer and fpirit-dealer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Park James, victualler and fpirit-dealer, Gallowgate, below No. 134
Park's Thomas hard-ware fhop, weft fide Saltmarket, No. 101
Parker James, baker, Trongate, No. 95
Parlane James, furgeon, callender's land, weft fide Stockwell
Paul John, fen. boot and fhoe-maker and leather-dealer, north fide Prince's-ftreet
Paul Andrew, change-keeper, High-ftreet, No. 151
Perftons M. and J. manufacturers, wareroom weft corner of the Saltmarket
Pellence Simon, merchant, counting-room and wareroom foot of
Havannah-ftreet, lodgings St. Andrew's entry, Gallowgate
Philips' fugar-houfe chamber eaft fide Candleriggs
Pinkerton William, brewer and maltman, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Pinkerton William, grocer and fpirit-dealer, Trongate, No. 113
Potts Thomas, dealer in Scots manufactures, fhop fouth fide Gallowgate, near the head, at No. 142
Pollock Allan, grocer, fhop fouth fide Trongate, No. 49
Pollock William, wig-maker and hair-dreffer, north fide Trongate, above No. 116
Pollock William, jun., No. 167
Provan George, dryfalter, weft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs, No. 11
Provand George, merchant, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs
Provand James, callico and linen-printer, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs
Provand John, woollen and linen-draper, High-ftreet, No. 197
Provan Robert, chaife-fetter and vintner 2d clofs weft from the Exchange, north fide Trongate
Purdon John, merchant & linen-printer, at Mrs. Gray's, Prince's-ftreet
Rankin Charles, near the head of the Stockwell, upon the eaft fide
Rankin David, fenior, barber and fpirit-dealer, High-ftreet, No. 98
Rankin David, jun. perfumer and hair-dreffer, Trongate, No. 64
Ramfay Samuel, Englifh merchant, Grahamftown
Raeburn William, perfumer to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, Trongate, No. 102
Raine James, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 70
Raine James, collector to the barbers, Gallowg. No. 41
Refton Robert, teller to the Thiftle Bank, next clofs eaft of Hutchifon's hofpital
Reid John, fen. cabinet-maker and houfe-builder, Candleriggs
Reid and Muir's upholftery wareroom Trongate, above No. 18
Reid Francis, cabinet-maker, wareroom and fhop Argyle-ftreet
Reid Francis, watch-maker, weft fide Saltmarket
Reid James and David, cabinet-makers & house-wrights, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Reid James, plafterer, Caftle-pen's land, High-ftreet
Reid Mark, grocer, head of Havannah-ftreet, No. 144
Reid William and Co. manufacturers in Anderfton
Reid William, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 61
Reid Archiblad, ftocking-maker, Gallowgate, No. 53
Ritchie James, Efq. of Bufby, weft fide Queen's-ftreet
Ritchie Henry, merchant, 2d flat eaft corner of Robertfon's court, Argyle-ftreet
Ritchie Alexander, merchant, ground flat weft corner of Robertfon's court, Argyle-ftreet
Riddel John, Efq. prefent Lord Provoft, 1ft houfe weft fide Queen's-ftreet
Riddel Henry, merchant, weft fide Queen-ftreet, No. 3
Riddel John, furgeon, lodges with his mother, prin--ftr.
Riddel Andrew, teller to the Glafgow Arms Bank, lodges with his mother, Princes-ftreet
Riddel William, paftry-cook, fouth fide Prince's-ftreet
Richardfon James, yarn-merchant, fhop weft fide High-ftreet, No. 35
Robertfon Patrick, writer, north fide Trongate
Robertfon John, cafhier to the Glafgow Arms Bank, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Robertfon William, merchant, at the nail-work, Broomielaw
Robertfon Andrew, merchant, head of Jamaica-ftreet
Robertfon Henry, merchant,
Robertfon James, treafurer to the Merchant Bank, 3d flat Paterfon's land,
fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Robertfon James, manufacturer, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet, oppofite Bell's-wynd
Robertfon Robert, jun. cooper, foot of Dunlop-ftreet
Robertfon James, cooper, Blythwood's yard, Bridgegate
Robertfon Jofeph, manufacturer, Thorough-fair clofs, north fide Bell's-wynd
Robertfon James and Matthew, printers and bookfellers, eaft fide Saltmarket, No. 13
Robertfon Alexander, writer, 3d ftorey Paterfon's land, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Robertfon Bailie John, wright and houfe-builder, eaft fide Stockwell
Robertfon and Monteith, manufacturers, Anderfton
Robertfon Peter, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 67
Robertfon John, haberdafher, Trongate, No. 108
Robertfon Andrew, dealer in ftone-ware, Trongate, No. 27
Robb William, callico and linen-printer, ware-room 1ft clofs north fide Gallowgate
Rowand John, clerk to Meffrs. Ritchies, Queen's-ftreet
Rodger William, comb-maker, eaft fide Saltmarket
Rodger John, at Mrs. Bogle's calender, Bell's-wynd
Ronald Bazil, glover, fouth fide Trongate, fhop No. 48
Rofs Jofeph and Co. linen-drapers, Spreul's land, north fide Trongate, No.72
Robb David, officer to the barbers, north fide Gallowg.
Ruffell David, merchant, eaft fide Queen's-ftreet
Rutherford George, merchant and manufacturer, wareroom Wallace's clofs, fouth fide of Bell's wynd
Ruthven John, clerk to the Stockwell fugar-houfe
Scott Jofhua, mercht.weft fide Queen's-ftreet No. 1.
Scott Robert, merchant, weft fide Miller-ftreet
Scott Robert, jun. rum merchant, cellar Ofwald's clofs, Stockwell
Scott William, merchant, Argyle-ftreet
Scott William, accomptant to the Royal Bank, Glafgow
Scott James, wholefale dealer in Irifh linen, Charlotte-ftreet
Scott Allan, timber merchant, wood-yard Clyde-ftreet, lodgings head Jamaica-ftreet
Scott James, white iron fmith, weft fide Saltmarket, near Prince's-ftreet, No. 80
Scott James, fmith and ftocking frame maker, Town-Head
Scott John, baker, north fide Gallowgate, facing Bell's land, No. 17
Scott William, tobacconift, eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs
Scott John, coach-maker, Gallowgate, in Parlan's land
Scott James, grocer, eaft fide Saltmarket, near the head, No. 2
Scott James, and Co. muflin manufacturer, eaft fide High-ftreet
Scott Alex. and James, and Co. Ingram's clofs, manufacturers and linen printers
Scott David, cabinet-maker and joiner, wareroom Bell's wynd
Scott John, spirit dealer, High-ftreet, No. 117
Scott William, collector, to the weavers
Scott James, porter to the merchant bank, Maxwell-ftreet
Scott John, officer to the cordwainers, Barclay's land New-wynd
Semple John, manufacturer and bleacher, at Finniefton
Seth Walter, fhoemaker, M'Nair's land fouth fide Trongate
Semple Robert, boot and fhoe-maker, fhop Gallowgate, No. 8
Sharp James, manufacturer and cotton dealer, Gallowgate, No. 126
Sharp James, linen draper, Trongate, No. 107
Shaw William, thread manufacturer, eaft fide High-ftreet facing Bell's-wynd
Shaw William, one of the managers, Lindfay's wood yard Broomielaw
Shearer Gilbert, merchant, his houfe upon the fouth fide Gallowgate, entry by the wide clofs eaft fide Bridge
Shortridge William, merchant, 4 flat Shortridge's land, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Shevize Alexander, merchant and fugar baker, Candleriggs fugar-houfe
Sheddin Thomas, muflin and lawn manufacturer, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet
Sheddin John, merchant, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Shiels John, manager and clerk, at Barrowfield coalwork
Shiels John, writer, Borland's land, St. Andrew's entry, Gallowgate
Shearer John, fen. fkinner and tanner, Bridgegate
Shearer John, jun.
Shearer John, youngeft, fkinner, tanner, and collector to the fkinners, Bridgegate
Shugars John, collector to the flefhers
Sibbald Andrew, yarn merchant, High-ftreet, No. 192
Simpfon Rev. Archibald, at the late, Mr Innes houfe, by the Park-houfe
Simpfon Robert, furgeon, weft corner Prince's-ftreet
Simpfon William, faddler and bailie, north weft Church yard, head Old-wynd
Simpfon James, boot and fhoemaker, Trongate, No. 115
Slofs William tallow-chandler, fhop north fide Prince's-ftreet
Smart's William, tavern and hotel, back of the Exchange, Trongate, No. 126
Smart's William coffee-room, Exchange, Trongate, No. 129
Smith Archibald, merchant, weft fide Dunlop-ftreet
Smith William and David, lace, fringe and rope manufacturers, Head Green
Smith William, tobacco and cotton twift merchant, wareroom Lees clofs, north fide Trongate
Smith James, callico printer and manufacturer, Jeffry's land fouth fide Trongate
Smith John, watch-maker, fouth fide Trongate, oppofite Hutchefon's Hofpital
Smith Robert, fen. and Archibald Smith in Co. cabinet-makers and houfe-wrights, weft fied Candleriggs
Smith Robert, jun. architect, cabinet-maker and houfe-wright, wareroom Candleriggs
Smillie Richard, collector of the ftatute money, and auctioneer, Trongate, facing Spreul's land
Smith John, junr. bookfeller and circulating library, Trongate, No. 111
Smith James, tobacconift, Gallowgate, No. 117
Smith Robert, woollen and line draper, Gallowgate, No. 153
Smith Walter, tobacconift, High-ftreet, No. 40
Smith William, turner, High-ftreet, No. 152
Smith William, printer, weft fide Saltmarket
Smith James, baker, Saltmarket, No. 29
Sommervell James, of Hamilton Farm, Efq. merchant weft fide Miller-ftreet
Sommervell William, manufacturer, High-ftreet 1ft flat above No. 21
Sommervell James, inn-keeper, near the Gallowgate bridge, No. 119
Sommervell George, wright and fpirit dealer, at the fign of the Peacock, fouth fide Gallowgate
Sommervell J. and F. woollen and linen drapers, Gallowgate, No. 150
Sorley and Caution, dealers in hard-ware, Saltmarket, No. 3
Speirs Archibald, Efq; of Elderflie, at the Inch near Renfrew
Speirs Peter, Efq; of Kilcreigh
Spreull James, merchant, 1ft flat Shortridge's land, Argyle-ftreet
Spreull James, fhoemaker and leather-cutter
Spence James, ftationer, Trongate, No. 40
Stevenfon Alexander, phyfician, eaft fide Virginia-ftreet
Stirling Walter, merchant, weft fide Miller-ftreet
Stirling Andrew, Efq; of Drumpeller
Stirling John, merchant, Trongate, facing Stockwell
Stirling James, merchant, upon the weft fide High-ftreet
Starks Andrew and Thomas, yarn merchants, fhop High-ftreet, No. 40
Steven Mofes, wholefale linen merchant, wareroom Buchanan's clofs. north fide Trongate
Stevenfon David, baker, Caftlepen's land, High-ftreet, No. 161
Stenhoufe, M'Brayne, and Co. callico printers, Currie's land 1ft flat eaft fide High-ftreet
Steel Wm. woollen & linen draper, Trongate, No. 12
Steel Thomas, merchant, in Co. with Dalgliefh and Hutchifon, callico printers, wareroom High-ftreet
Steel William, baker, and collector to the Trades Houfe, eaft fide High-ftreet near the Crofs, No. 188
Steven John, faddler, fouth fide Gallowgate, next to the Cumberland factory
Stewart William, gardener, next door to the Chapel of Eafe kirk foot Grammar-fchool Wynd
Stewart James, watch-maker, 1ft flat above No. 30, next to the furgeons Hall, fouth fide Trongate
Stewart Robert, accomptant to the Royal Bank
Stewart and Lenox, woollen and linen drapers, Trongate, No. 21
Stewart Walter, foap and candle-maker, weft fide High-ftreet, No. 36
Stewart Robert, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 72
John Stewart, dealer in broad cloths, Trongate, No. 17
Stevenfon Mrs. dealer in fundry vegetables, and fpirit dealer High-ftreet, No. 37
Stevenfon Robert, brufh manufacturer, Ingram's clofs, Gallowgate
Strathern Alexander, vintner, Laigh Kirk Clofs
Struthers John, maltman and brewer, fouth fide Gallowgate
Struthers William, accomptant to the Thiftle Bank
Struthers William, grocer, Stockwell
Sturrock John, beef ftake-houfe and poultry fhop, weft fide Laigh Kirk Clofs, Prince's-ftreet
Swanfton John, grocer, Trongate, No. 85
Sword John, fpirit dealer and manufacturer, St. Andrew's entry Gallowgate
Sword James, hard ware merchant, fhop Ingram's land, north fide Gallowgate, No. 15
Sweet Thomas, manufacturer, ware room north fide Bell's wynd
Sym Andrew, fen. merchant, Gallowgate
Sym John, merchant, Gallowgate
Sym James, do. Bell's-wynd
Sym Andrew, jun.
Tait William, fen. merchant
Tait William, jun. manufacturer of gauze, muflins, &c. wareroom weft fide Candleriggs
Tait Peter, printer and bookfeller, eaft fide Saltmarket, No. 11
Tait Mrs. inn-keeper, Pavement Clofs, upon the fouth fide near to the head Gallowgate
Tait Mrs. hook-maker, eaft fide Saltmarket, oppofite Prince's-ftreet
Taffie John, fen. dealer in Scots manufactures, fhop fouth fide Gallowgate, No. 143
Taffie William, glover and breeches-maker, Bridgegate
Telfer William, boot and fhoemaker, fhop fouth fide Trongate, No. 52
Telfer William, mafon, Havannah-ftreet
Tennents, John and Robert, maltmen and brewers, Drygate foot
Thomfon Andrew, fen. merchant, weft fide Queen's ftreet
Thomfon George, merchant, upon the weft of Argyle-ftreet
Thomfon John, merchant, Ingram-ftreet Ramfhorn Ground
Thomfon Andrew, jun. at his father's in Queen-ftreet
Thomfon John, faddler, eaft fide Saltmarket, a little below the well
Thomfon, Robert and Andrew, grocers, fouth fide Trongate, No. 42
Thomfon, Robert, manufacturer, wareroom Buchanan's Clofs, north fide
Trongate, near the Crofs
Thomfon Adam, manufacturer, in Anderfton
Thomfon Mrs. copper and white iron fmith, eaft fide High-ftreet, No. 62
Tilloch Geo. tobacconift, weft fide High-ftreet facing the Well
Tinning Francis, tobacconift, fhop weft fide Saltmarket
Todd David, 3d flat Reid's new land, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Todd, Shortridge, and Co. linen-printers, wareroom eaft fide High-ftreet, near the Crofs
Todd Cor. jun. yarn fhop eaft fide High-ftreet, No. 191
Toward James, writer, Caftlepen's new clofs, High-ftreet
Tomlin Andrew, collector to the dyers
Tobacco office, Trongate, No. 97
Trotter John, Irifh linen merchant, head of the Green
Turner John, fpirit-dealer, cellar in Lee's clofs, north fide Trongate
Turner Archibald, iron-monger, Saltmarket, No. 4
Ure John, merchant, wide clofs eaft from the Gallowgate bridge
Ure Andrew, yarn-merchant, High-ftreet, fhop No. 181
Ure William, cooper, eaft fide Stockwell
Ure John, baker and fpirit-dealer, foot of do.
Ure Mathew, clerk at Mr. Ofwald's, Virginia-ftreet
Vance John, fhoe-maker and leather-cutter, Prince's-ftreet
Wallace John, Efq. Bailie Crauford's houfe, head of Queen's-ftreet
Wallace Robert, furgeon, corner land weft end Prince's-ftreet, entry by King's-ftreet
Wallace Archibald, merchant, to be found at Mr. Gilbert Hamilton's counting-room, Queen's-ftreet
Warrand Alexander, fen. yarn-merchant, Gibfon's land, Saltmarket
Warrand Alexander, merchant, counting - room in Leitch's clofs, next to No. 54, Trongate
Warrick James, manager of the large brewery, Anderfton
Wardlaw William, merchant, eaft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Wardrope James, Efq. of Spring-bank, 2d flat 1ft clofs north fide Gallowgate
Wardrope John, merchant, eaft fide Adams' court, Argyle-ftreet
Wardrope Henry, accomptant-depute to the Ship Bank, Wardrop's land, Queen's-ftreet
Waddel Robert, cabinet-maker and houfe-wright, weft fide Saltmarket, near the foot
Waterfon John, wholefale-dealer in leather, cellar north fide Trongate, facing the Old-wynd
Watfon Arthur and Co. callico and linen-printers, weft fide High-ftreet
Watfon Wm. rum-merchant, cellar fouth fide Prince's-ftreet, near the Saltmarket
Watfon William, manufacturer, Havannah-ftreet
Walker Charles, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 25
Waddell Robert, confectioner, Trongate, No. 114
Waddell John, fhoe-maker, Gallowgate, No. 54
Waddell William, tobacconift, Gallowgate, No. 113
Watfon Gabriel, mafter of the Edinburgh waggons, Gallowgate, No. 120
Watfon William, where the Newcaftle waggon puts up, Gallowgate, No. 33
Warnock Andrew, baker, St. Enoch's wynd
Webfter Thomas and Co.'s tea and fugar warehoufe, eaft fide King's-ftreet
Whyte William, furgeon, weft fide High-ftreet, 3d clofs below Bell's-wynd
Whytelaw Thomas, merchant, weft fide Charlotte-ftreet
Whytelaw William, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 108
Whytelaw John, perfumer and hair-dreffer, Trongate, No. 36
Whytelaw Peter, clerk to the large brewery at Anderftoun
Whyte Robert and Son, dealers in Scots manufactures, High-ftreet, fhop No. 195
Whyte William, thread manufacturer, Blackfriars-wynd
Wilfone John, and Co. ironmongers, north fide Trongate, No. 73
Wilfone Charles, furgeon, weft fide Stockwell, near the head
Wilfon Andrew, type-founder, College
Wilfon James, gardener, Cowcaddens
Wilfon John, feed-merchant, Trongate, No. 65
Wilfon Tho. cabinet-maker & joiner, Charlotte-ftreet
Wilfon John, baker, High-ftreet, No. 199
Wilfon John, wire-worker, Donald's back land, north fide Trongate
Wilfon William, hair-dreffer, weft fide Stockwell
Wilfon A. grocer, Trongate, No. 44
Williamfon Gavin, boot and fhoe-maker, High-ftreet, No. 82
Wingate Thomas, dealer in foap and candle, &c. High-ftreet, No. 148
Wilfon John, officer to the coopers, foot of Stockwell
Wotherfpoon Andrew, grocer, Gallowgate, No. 51
Wright Peter, phyfician, 2d flat corner land joining Virginia-ftreet
Wright Archibald, druggift, Trongate, No. 46
Wright Robert, dealer in hardware, Saltmarket, No. 103
Wright James, 104
Wright John, taylor, Trongate
Wright John, grocer & fpirit-dealer, fouth fide Argyle-ftreet
Wylie Broadie, treafurer of the Glafgow Arms Bank, houfe in the country
Wylie Elizabeth, dealer in Scots manufactures and yarn, Gallowgate, No. 22
Young David, linen-draper & filk-mercer, fhop Trongate, No. 55
Young John, cooper, fhop eaft fide Candleriggs, near the head
Young Archibald, furgeon, Trongate, fhop No. 75
Young James, merchant at Scarlet-hall
Young Andrew, grocer, High-ftreet, No. 164
Young William, mafon, north fide Bridgegate
Young Thomas, Greenock carrier, Bell's wynd
Young James, officer to the fkinners
Alfton, Herbertfon and Co. manufacturers, wareroom Trongate above No. 8
Allan, Coats and Co. yarn merchants, warehoufe High-ftreet, No. 58
Allans and Gow, hofiers, warehoufe 2d flat above No. 116, Trongate
Anderfon and Boyd, manufacturers, wareroom High-ftreet above No. 179
Angus James and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe Trongate, No. 38
Arthur, Neil, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe High-ftreet, above No. 107
Auftin and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe north fide Bell's-wynd
Bannatyne Dugald & Co. manufacturers, Trongate and Ingram's-ftreet
Barr and Ronald's glove fhop, Trongate, No. 48
Barber Robert and Co. north fugar houfe, Bell's-wynd
Black John and Co. linen-printers, wareroom Trongate, above No. 17
Bogle Michael, Scott and Co. timber merchant, counting room Clyde-ftreet, in the Wood yard
Bogle William, and John Hamilton, wine and rum merchants, cellars and counting room Leitch's clofs, fouth fide Trongate
Bourdon Peter and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe head of the Grammar-fchool wynd
Brown George & Co. merchants, counting-room High-ftreet, above No. 10
Brown, Carrick, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe north fide Bell's wynd
Brown, M'Alpine, and Co. linen and callico printers, Thorough-fare clofs, Bell's wynd
Brown Alex. and Co. merchants, counting-room Reid's land, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Brown and Gardner, pocket-book makers, warehoufe 3d flat fouth fide
Prince's-ftr. facing Laigh Kirk clofs
Buchanans J.W.&J. Englifh merchants and dealers in cotton twift, wareroom Ofwald's clofs, eaft fide Stockwell
Buchanan and Leckie in Co. hofiers, Trongate, fhop No. 34
Campbell, Dale, and Co. incle-manufacturers, warehoufe Ingram-ftreet, Ramfhorn ground
Campbell John, fen. and Co. merchants, counting-room Reid's land, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Campbell and Ingram, infurance-brokers, back of the Exchange
Chriftie, Smith, and Co. tobacco-merchants and cottontwift dealers, warehoufe and counting-room in Lee's clofs, north fide Trongate
Coats William & Archibald and Co. hardware merchants, warehoufe 1ft flat 1ft clofs north fide Gallowgate
Coats Arch. & Jo. wholefale dealers in linen, warehoufe do.
Coats, Lockhart, and Co. muflin manufacturers, warehoufe Trades land, head of the Gallowgate
Colquhoun and Ritchie in Co. merchants, counting-houfe and the Great Canal office at the back of Mr. Colhoun's houfe, north fide Argyle-ftreet
Colvill Thomas and Co. fpirit-dealers, Gallowgate, fhop No. 30
Coopers W. & A. and Co. wholefale merchants, warehoufe High-ftreet, No. 5
Corbett, Ruffel, and Co. merchants, counting-room eaft fide King's-ftreet
Craig William and Son, timber-merchants, counting-room in the wood-yeard, Clyde-ftreet
Craig John and Co. architect to the Prince of Wales, Clyde-ftreet
Crofs, Rutherford, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe Wallace's-clofs, upon the fouth fide Bell's wynd
Crum Alex. and James and Co. manufacturers and linen-printers, Gallowgate, fhop No. 12
Dale's David cotton-twift warehoufe High-ftreet, above No. 31
Dale, M'Intofh, and Co. dyers of Turkey red
Dalglifh, Hutchefon, Steel & Co. linen-printers, warehoufe High-ftreet, above No. 31
Dinnwiddie Laurence & Co. merchants, counting-room north fide Trongate
Dunlop Colin and Sons, merchants, counting-room back of Leitch's land,
Dunlop John and Co. merchants
Dunlop and Wilfon, ftationers and bookfellers, 1ft fhop eaft of the
Candleriggs, north fide Trongate, No. 98
Dunmore Robert and Co. counting-houfe weft fide Miller's-ftreet
Dunning and Stewart, tobacconifts, wareroom M'Nair's clofs, Gallowgate
Duquids John and William and Co. King's-ftreet fugar-houfe
Findlay, Hopkirk, and Co. merchants, counting-houfe eaft fide
Fleeming David and Co. ironmongers, Trongate, fhop No. 100
Forrefter and Reid in Co. dealers in hard-ware, warehoufe Trongate, No. 4
Freeland John and Co. yarn-merchants, warehoufe High-ftreet, No. 45
Fultons, Findlay, Ure and Co. callico and linen-printers, warehoufe
High-ftreet, above No. 20
Glafgow Tanwork Company, counting-houfe 1ft clofs eaft fide Gallowgate
Glafgow Glafswork Company, manufacturers of all forts of flint glafs,
plain, cut and engraved, at their warehoufe Booomielaw
Glen, Scott, and Co. cabinet-makers and joiners, warehoufe north fide
Bell's wynd
Graham, Milne and Co. wholefale dealers in victual, counting-houfe 1ft
clofs eaft fide Queen's-ftreet
Graham and Wardrope in Co. copper and white-iron-fmiths, King-ftreet, fhop
No. 8
Grant, Pellance, and Co. carpet - manufacturers, warehoufe foot
Guthrie, Miller, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe Blackfriars wynd
Hamilton Gilbert and John Bogle, infurance-brokers and broad cloth
merchants, fhop at the Exchange, No. 128
Hamilton Gilbert and Co. delf-field warehoufe, below the Broomielaw
Hamilton, Hopkirk, and Co. dealers in foap, candle, &c. wholefale and
retail, at their fhop Trongate, No. 56
Hamilton, Brock, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe Blackfriars wynd
Hardie, Millar, and Co. wholefale Irifh linen merchants, warehoufe
Wallace's clofs, fouth fide Bell's-wynd
Henderfon, Gordon, Riddel, and Co. merchants, counting-houfe back of Mr
Glafsford's lodging, facing the Stockwell
Henderfon, Semple, and Co. callico and linen-printers, warehoufe
High-ftreet, above No. 14
Hill, Cumming, and Co. linen-printers, warehoufe Macnair's land, Trongate,
by No. 31
Hogg, Copland, Sweet and Co. wareroom corner houfe north-fide Bell's wynd,
2d flat above No. 22
Hopkirk James and Co. merchants, counting-houfe, back of Mr M'Caul's
lodgings, corner of Queen's-ftreet
Houfton Alexander and Co. merchants, counting-houfe, fouth fide
Houfton, M'Dowal, and Co. counting-houfe, do.
Hozier William and Co. manufacturers, 2d flat Trades land, head of the
Inglis, Smith, and Co. manufacturers and callico printers, warehoufe
Trongate, above No. 51
Irvine William and Co. tobacconifts, ware-houfe Saltmarket, above No. 22
Jack, Ingram, and Co. broad cloth merchants, fhop Exchange, No. 127
Jack, and Dunlop's infurance office, Exchange, No. 127
Jack, Andrew and Co. furnifhing fhop, Trong. No. 25
Jack Andrew and Co. fun-fire office, Trongate, No. 25
Johnfton, Bannatyne, and co. ftocking manufacturers, wareroom Trongate and
Kinniburg, Blair, and Co. manufacturers, warehoufe, High-ftreet, above No.
Kalley Robert and Co. tea dealers, warehoufe, head Gallowgate, Pavement
Laurie David jun. corn-factor, weft fide Miller-ftreet, back of No. 1ft and
Leitch, and Smith, merchants, counting-houfe back of Mr M'Kay's, weft fide
Lightbody, Purdon, and Co. callico and linen printers, warehoufe, 1ft
clofs, fouth fide Bell's-wynd
Lothian, Wardrope, and Co. filk manufacturers and merchants, warehoufe,
firft clofs below the well, High-ftreet
Loudon, Craigie, and Co. merchants, counting-houfe 1ft clofs 1ft flat, weft
fide High-ftreet
Mann William and Co. upholfterers, wareroom, Trongate, above No. 19
Marfhall, M'Dowall, and Co. wine and rum merchants, counting-houfe and
cellars back of No. 3. weft fide Queen's-ftreet
Merchant Bank, and Co. head of Maxwell-ftreet
Millar and Shirra, merchants, Gallowgate, No. 11
Monteith, Findlay, and Co. manufacturers, wareroom, 2d flat 1ft clofs,
fouth fide Bell's-wynd
Morris Hugh and Son, manufacturers, Todd's land, weft fide High-ftreet
Murdoch, Robertfon, and Co. Glafgow Arms-Bank, eaft fide Miller-ftreet
Murdoch, Warroch, and Co. large brewery, at Anderfton
M'Alpine, Graham, and Downie, in Co. dryfalters and tallow chandlers, fhop
Trongate, No. 99
M'Brayne, Stenhoufe, and Co. linen printers, warehoufe, 1ft flat Currie's
land, High-ftr. above No. 191
M'Caul Alexander and Co. broad cloth merchant, warehoufe, 1ft flat 1ft
clofs weft of the Exchange, Trongate
M'Come, Crauford, and Co. woollen manufacturers, wareroom, Trongate, above
No. 39
M'Credie, and Millar, marble-cutters, work weft fide Miller-ftreet
M'Gilvra Malcolm and Co. woollen and linen drapers, fhop High-ftreet, No.
M'Ilwham's, James and John, manufacturers, wareroom 2d flat 1ft clofs, weft
fide High-ftreet
M'Intofh, and Co. boot and fhoe manufacturers, warehoufe, Leitche's clofs,
fouth fide Trongate
M'Intofh, George and Co. cudbear-work, warehoufe, by the Craig's Parks
M'Kay, Robert and Co. merchants, counting-room, back of the houfe, weft
fide Dunlop-ftreet
M'Kenzie's, James and Matthew, and Co. woollen and linen drapers, fhop
Trongate, No. 70
M'Kenzie, and Taffies, glove fhop, Trongate, No. 71
M'Lean, M'Kay, and Co. merchants, counting-room, back of the houfe, weft
fide Dunlop-ftreet
Neilfon, and Hunter, in Paifley, manufacturers, wareroom High-ftreet,
Donaldfon's clofs
Paton, Allan, and Co. tea dealers, wareroom, Trongate above No. 24
Pollock William and Son, wig-makers and hair-dreffers, Trongate, above No.
Perftons Matthew and John, manufacturers, wareroom head Saltmarket, above
No. 105
Provand George, merchant, High-ftreet above No. 195
Provan George and Co. dryfalter, High-ftreet, fhop No. 11
Provand James and Co. linen printer, warehoufe High-ftreet above No. 196
Provand John, woollen & linen-draper, High-ftr. No. 197
Rankins, Dale, and Co. manufacturers, wareroom fouth fide Trongate, by No.
Reid and Moore, upholfterers, wareroom Trongate, above No. 16
John Reid & Son in Co. manufacturers, High-ftr. No. 74
John Riddel and Co. merchants, counting-room back of Mr Riddel's houfe,
weft fide Queen's-ftreet
Robb David and Co. callico and linen-printers, wareroom 1ft clofs north
fide head of the Gallowgate
Robertfon, Newbigging, and Co. manufacturers, wareroom above No. 183,
Robertfon and Monteith, manufacturers in Anderfton
Rofs Jofeph and Co. wholefale and retail linen-drapers and haberdafhers,
fhop Trongate, No. 72
Scott, Murray, and Co. merchants, counting-room in Mr Robert Dunmore's,
weft fide Miller-ftreet
Scott and Murray in Co. merchants, counting-room do.
Scots Alexander and James, linen-printers, wareroom Ingram's clofs, head of
the Gallowgate
Scot James and Co. manufacturers, wareroom facing Bell's wynd
Sheddin Thomas, manufacturer, wareroom above No. 185, eaft fide High-ftreet
Sheddins Thomas and Robert, manufacturers, wareroom Currie's clofs,
Shearer Gilbert and Co. woollen and linen-drapers, fhop Trongate No. 19
Slofs William and Co. foap and candle-makers, north fide Princes-ftreet
Smith, Hutchefon, & Co. wholefale linen-dealers, wareroom Buchanan's clofs,
Sommerville, Gordon, and Co. merchants, counting-room 3d flat Trades land
Spreul, M'Caul, and Co. manufacturers, wareroom 1ft flat above No. 26.
Stirling William and Sons, callico and linen-printers, wareroom weft fide
Stirling, Bell, and Co. merchants, counting-room Trongate, above No. 17
Steven John and Co. yarn-merchants, warehoufe High-ftreet, No. 179
Steven and Shiels, tobacconifts, workhoufe weft fide Saltmarket
Stewart and Monteith, manufacturers, warehoufe 3d flat Trongate, above No.
Tait William, jun. and Co. muflin and gauze manufacturers, wareroom
Candleriggs, facing Bell's wynd
Tennants, John and Robert, maltmen and brewers, foot of the Drygate
Todd, Shortridge, and Co. linen-printers, wareroom 1ft flat above No. 194,
Ure and Zuill, woollen and linen-drapers, fhop High-ftreet, No. 4
Walker and Wills, boot and fhoe-makers, Long-ftairs, head of the Gallowgate
Watfon, Arthur, and Co. High-ftreet, above No. 9
Wilfon and Hunter, muflin-manufacturers, wareroom Saltmarket, above No. 15
Young, Auchinclofs, Lang and Co. manufacturers, wareroom fouth fide head of
Richard Marfhall, "beyond Madeira court," read Madeira court, beyond
Dele Ben. Patifon, plummer.
Charles Rankin, near head of Stockwell, read Charles Rankin painter, near
head of Stockwell
Jofhua Scott merchant, read Jofeph Scott.
Reprint of Jone's Directory; or, Useful Pocket Companion For the Year 1787.
With An Introduction, and Notes of Old Glasgow Celebrities, by The
"Rambling Reporter."
Glasgow: William Love, 226 Argyle Street, Printed by R. Anderson, 22 Ann
Street. 1887.
This out of copyright material has been transcribed by Brenda Pickard